Is anybody else tired of hearing the race debate every fucking day since the day they were born? Everybody is racist or does racial profiling to an extent it doesn't necessarily mean your a bad person or hate the other race just certain people from other races get on your fucking nerves sometimes. Today I got an email from our building security saying 3 young black dudes have been robbing people for cell phones by 12th street Bart spraying them with pepper spray punching them and taking the phones. I'm on Bart today after work black dude sat next to me asked to use my phone I told him hell naw I don't let people use my phone. If it was an old Asian lady, Mexican working man, business looking white dude or a educated black guy I would of probably let them use my phone. This dude was sagging his skinny jeans and fit the description so I racial profiled his ass lol. He could of been cool but I don't know that fool does that make me racist ?