its not a big deal, im not complaining to be honest
but its just a joke now, being the president has become a joke, and i wish that wasnt true because other countries see that too, and they are laughin their asses off, they might be broke but they sure as fuck dont take matters of the nation lightly when things are in such a mess
nor do its citizen, unlike americans (including me, im just as guilty) who dont get up and fight for our rights (as cliche as it sounds)most other citizen in other countries dont let some stupid shit slide, they dont need some puppet on stage to guide them, people in this country need a real president
meanwhile were tryna elect a bunch of douche bags on the right, and possibly reelect the most lazy president in history on the left
what a shit set of choices eh?
glad we have NFL one day earlier to be that much more carefree of our REAL troubles....dont you think rustolium?