KALYN said:
I started out as a fan.. buying up all the NW albums I could get my hands on... then I started networking and promoting projects, obtaining advertising and press for different labels, promoting shows and getting additional coverage (local press and photography).. I have street teams for the local area that get the word out on new releases and shows we fly folks in for.. I put together an entire NW issue of SWB to showcase some of the hottest in the region (no- I didnt cover everyone..) .. I've stocked shelves with product all over the NW.. and shipped bulk product out the region to shops in the Bay and in the mid-West.. photoshoots for album covers and one-sheets and promo flyers/posters.. I've connected different artists in this region with other artists outside of the region, hustled beats and verses.. written reviews and press releases... I've been on the road and hustled CD's - recruited dancers and 'entertainment' for artists we've brought to town... lol...
Ah yes.. its been some good times........
Ah yes.. its been some good times........
And yes...it is a lot of fun! Finally somthing I can be passionate about and enjoy...as hectic as it is!