LMAO!!!! My homegirl down in Dago sent this shit to my e-mail. I was dying when I read it, being a fan of the SE Dago Rap. But I'm sure a ton of you fools from SE will enjoy this and have memories if u ain't already seen it hahaha......enjoy!

You might be from SOUTHEAST SAN DIEGO if...
1. You considered any street number 50 and above "the suburbs."
2. You learned how to swim at the MLK or Southcrest Park pools.
3. You went to or ever attended services at Bayview Baptist.
4. You got your grub on at any of the following after 11:00PM: Roberto ' s, Alberto ' s, Humberto ' s or Aliberto ' s.
5. You know what the "Barrio" is.
6. You HAD to attend the Lincoln-Morse game, even though you didn ' t attend either school.
7. Your high school games always had to be scheduled in the afternoon.
8. You ever went to a cook-out or social event at 4-5 Park.
9. You did your school shopping at Kobe ' s Swap Meet or Mario ' s.
10. You own Dickie ' s shorts in khaki, blue, grey and black.
11. A day of shopping means Fam Mart. Extra points if you know it as "Fam Bizzy."
12. On your way home, you pass a business that says, "Liquor, Beer, Tacos."
13. You live in a nice house with an immaculately manicured lawn, but your windows have "decorative bars" on them.
14. You remember the "Sagon Penn" incident.
15. Friday and Saturday nights in the summer= South Mission .
16. You ever attended an event "catered" by Fargo ' s or Huffman ' s BBQ.
17. You lived on a side street with speed bumps.
18. Your neighborhood car wash had a sign that said, "NO Set Trippin ' , Just Suds drippin ' "
19. You got your haircut at Gentry ' s, went to school with someone named Gentry, or know someone named Gentry.
20. You know what "Anderson-Ragsdale" is.
21. You never say " San Diego ." You say "Daygo", "Southeast", "619" or "Tha Nina"
22. You ever got ready for school in the morning and checked to make sure your clothing was "neutral."
23. Your parents landscaped their yard with materials from Ouchi Nursery.
24. You never had to listen to the radio to hear the latest jam, you just had to leave your windows open.
25. You are extra aware of your surroundings when you go through the drive-thru at Jack in the Box.
26. You recognize Lincoln Park , Shelltown, Skyline, Oceanview, Lomita Village , Logan Heights , The Bottoms, Encanto, Emerald Hills and Valencia Park .
27. You grew up in the same neighborhood as several Heisman Trophy winners.
28. You ever made a run to Greene Cat, Howell ' s, or Floyd Robinson ' s.
29. You ever bought one of the following at the aforementioned: a giant dill pickle, a honey bun, or a pair of locs.
30. Eating healthy meant going to the "Muslim Fish spot."
31. You ever rolled down Highland , windows down and music blasting.
32. You ever wore a bomber jacket or Pendleton, even though it ' s 80 degrees outside.
33. You bought your music at CW Dean ' s Record City .
34. You travelled all the way to Spring Valley to go to THAT McDonald ' s, to avoid the drama at the McDonald ' s down the block.
35. Your parents ever went out dancing at Cynd ' s or The Safety.
36. You ever went out dancing at Smokey ' s, Stratus, Bogey ' s or Club Oh in TJ.
37. Your doctor ' s office is located at the Western Medical Building , or the Gateway Center .
38. You ' ve been to the ER at Paradise Valley .
39. You hooped at "Muni."
40. You used to go roller skating at Palisades until it closed because of a shooting. Then you went to Sweetwater until IT closed because of a shooting.
41. You wear " Cali ' s", not slippers, and you wear them OUTDOORS, with shorts, pants or sweats.
42. Your Mom is a teacher, your neighbor is a pastor, your best friend ' s dad is a Naval Officer, and the people across the street are on Section 8.
43. Hearing the name "Willie James Jones" makes you want to cry.
44. The site of St. Rita ' s Church, the Coca-Cola factory, Nutter Appliance or Greenwood lets you know you ' re home again.
45. 4-5 is a place, not a number sequence.
46. You ever ran track for "Mickey ' s Missles."
47. One of the most important decisions you have to make in a given week is "with or without guac" or "how many salsas."
48. You had two high schools within two miles of your house, but your parents sent you to a PWS across town under the voluntary inter-district transfer rule.
49. One of your classmates ' mom ever made loompia for the class.
50. You remember waking up to the tag: "Equis, Hache, Ere, Eme , Baja California , Mexico ."
51. Tayari. If you know this name, you are Southeast to your core.
52. You consider the Morrow Building a landmark.
53. No matter where you are now or where you have been, you still consider yourself from SOUTHEAST.
Kellee Nash, MPA
Executive Assistant/Office Manager
AVID Center Eastern Division
3 Corporate Blvd., Suite 118
Atlanta, GA 30329
[email protected]