You know your a hardcore Tech fan when... once convincing a non-listener of his work to hear some of his music and they ask what they should hear, you list every song he has ever been on.
You know your a hardcore Tech fan when... withdrawing money, you make a conscious effort to go inside the bank and re-enact the Melancholy Maze... "Yes, I would like to make a withdrawwwwalll".
You know your a hardcore Tech fan when... you bring his album/s to work because you believe that no matter what age group, gender etc.. that they will appreciate him the way you do. (Note- This wasn't the case for me, but I hold partial blame to the shit stereo I was working with)
You know your a hardcore Tech fan when... he introduces someone on a skit and you truly believe he just spat "Straight Fire".
You know your a hardcore Tech fan when... you act like NoxiousN8... only foolin' man!