You know your from SEATTLE when....
All the convicts/felons came from your High School : Rainier Beach
You know that you are from Seattle when you think that: Cat fish Corner, Philley's Best, and Jones Bar-b-que Cracks.
You know that you are from Seattle when you literally invest in a rain coat, umbrella or coat with a hood. Cuz that is how often it rains.
You know that you are from Seattle If you think/thought HD's, Larrys, or Radondo's pops on the weekend.
You know fo sho that you are from Seattle if you grew up or lived in Holly Park, Rainier Vista, or Highpoint.
You fo sho know that you are from Seattle if you have been to over 20 funerals and your only in your twenties.
You know that you are fo sho from Seattle if everytime you hear some heat you hear "HOOVA DID IT"