Hail to the Raided, been a long time comin' baby. That's straight that a book is in the works along with the new material, been a Raided fan since the beginning, and will continue to do so. The work kind of fell off here and there after "Xorcist", but he is definitely a TRUE artist that combines intellect with thuggish overtones, as does The D.E.., just in a different flavor. When I read production was being collaborated by Loki and Speakeasy I knew that Raided wasn't fuckin' around about setting the new standard for the next 10 years. Those 2 definitely have an ear for the streets of the future. Good Look X, I'll be waitin' on the works!
And to think all of this has been done behind bars.... THAT'S DEDICATION TO AN ART-FORM no one can even come close to..........