1. how do you feel about the rap world. i know its been asked, many, MANY times. but do you feel that its a a marketing game? the good looking people are getting the "15 minutes) of fame, why the regular john/jane doe that really DO have talent dont get a chance?
2. what are your thought on these people trying to be "gangster"? you live it, your are gangster lifestyle basically. you seen it first hand at a young age, as i have, but what do you think about these rappers or kids walking around with flags on their heads throwing up signs an shit? i know you wont stop rippin', but when ya get out will ya still bang? or just do the o.g. thing?
3. about this book, whens the soonest we can see it?any chance on a different genre? and speaking of art (since writing is basically an art form), do you draw or anything?