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May 8, 2002
Ok, I was looking at this locked topic on this forum and came accross one fan's view of T.O. It perfectly summarizes my view and most views of T.O. from 49er fans right now. It is beautifully written.

"Mr. Owens:

Throughout the course of the past couple weeks, I have come to the conclusion that you are a clown. Yes, a total and complete clown. Why do I say this? You type like a thirteen year old girl at your website, www.terrellowens.com, and consistently make negative comments about your quarterback (yes believe it or not, Jeff Garcia is still your quarterback, but hopefully not for long- in a matter of weeks, you will be crying about Donovan McNabb or Michael Vick instead). Then, you go ahead and decide "hey I might as well just alienate the entire 49ers organization, and then alienate all of the fans that still back up Jeff, and then I'll alienate the Philadelphia Eagles' wide receivers as well, because I am Terrell Owens and what I say goes." Good job Terrell. We all hear you.

We hear you, just like we heard you when you complained about Steve Mariucci not getting you the ball enough and being too conservative. (Side note: we were a winning football franchise back when you moaned about him, but that didn't matter, now did it?) So, we decided to fire Steve Mariucci. We ran him right out of town. All so you, the great god of football, Terrell Owens, the greatest wide receiver of all time (apparently Jerry Rice never existed), could be happy.

Terrell Owens vs. Steve Mariucci...winner: TO, baby!! Congratulations, son, you ran a great head coach out of town!

What happened? We brought in Dennis Erickson, and you still weren't happy. You had a sub-par year, mostly due to your many drops (might have a little to do with taking some plays off too, you must have been watching Mr. Moss too much on TV). So you had to come up with a new target. Oh, yes, how about the quarterback! Yes, let's blame the quarterback! You know, the guy that's been throwing you the ball for the past four plus seasons? The guy who got you the ball in the first place and sent you to those Pro Bowls? But of course that didn't matter, because you had a bad year, but that wasn't your fault. It's never Leon's- I mean Terrell's- fault, now is it? So you decide to make a statement on your website, written in thirteen year old girl shorthand, that either Jeff Garcia goes, or you go. Then you decide to become a nice guy and offer Jeff Garcia a limo ride home so he doesn't have to drive, basically calling him an alcoholic. You're a humorous guy, Terrell, yet another reason why you are a clown.

Terrell Owens vs. Jeff Garcia...winner: Terrell Owens, because you never do anything wrong, EVER, and certainly wouldn't have an alcohol problem like Jeff Garcia, RIGHT?!?

You then go ahead and make overtures that you want to go join the Philadelphia Eagles, because of their receiver problem. You go so far as to even blast the current receiver corps on that team- yes, I'm sure that will make Andy Reid want you even more- and then you go ahead and praise Donovan McNabb, the guy who you would soon be attacking the moment one of his passes doesn't hit you directly in the chest.

Terrell Owens vs. Philadelphia Eagles receivers...winner: Terrell Owens, because you can single handedly win the Super Bowl, unlike James Thrash!! I mean look at all of your rings!

And now, because of you, the entire city of Philadelphia is talking about Terrell Owens being the great savior- how foolish these poor people have become. You have convinced them, because of a bad NFC championship game, that you can save them. I wonder what their reactions will be when you start complaining about Andy Reid, get him run out of town, and then start whining about Donovan McNabb's inaccuracy?

You are a baby. A total and complete baby, and it is sad that the 49ers took so long to figure this out. But they have, and in doing so, the majority of us fans (the informed ones, at least, that do not worship you) have also realized that you are nothing more than a crybaby, overrating your own abilities and effectiveness, always constantly blaming others for your own faults. It never occurs to you to say "yes, I, Terrell Owens, had a bad game. I screwed up. I didn't do what I set out to do and I'm going to take partial blame for this loss." It's always someone else's fault.

In the span of five years, you have went from the next coming of Jerry Rice, to a total and complete arrogant jerk who is quickly becoming the least classy superstar in the NFL. Other players attack opponents' players; you choose to attack your own. That right there puts you in a level that none of those players could ever reach. It is sad and depressing to see how you went from making that amazing catch from Steve Young in the 1999 NFC wildcard game against the Packers, to sitting here and criticizing your very team and your very quarterback for why you haven't been able to live up to your potential. You are not the same person you were back then, and this is precisely why I (and I bet plenty of other fans) have no respect for you anymore.

January 1999: you dropped numerous passes, fumbled on a key play, and almost lost the game for us; yet you never complained or blamed anyone else, you kept playing. You eventually caught the game winning pass and turned it around. In the interview afterwards, you thanked god for that play and for letting you come back from the horrible game you were having.

January 2004: you drop numerous passes and are inconsistent throughout the entire season. Instead of practicing to get better and improving your technique, you decide to get into a shouting match with your offensive coordinator during the season (read: Vikings), and then blame your quarterback on your website for the reason why the season was a bad one for you.

In 1999 you thanked god, in 2004 you have decided that you are a god. You went from the next coming of Jerry Rice to a total and complete joke, and the worst excuse for a "team player" I have ever seen.

And I have decided that you're a clown. Now do us all a favor, shut up, quit attacking everyone, and go sign with a team that wants to put up with your pathetic attitude and condescending behavior. Maybe they can even promote your chat room for you, where you can go and make fun of your new quarterback in thirteen year old shorthand.

And if that doesn't work, you can always go join the local circus. Or, you can continue to talk trash about everyone who thinks you're showing a total lack of class, using your website and message board. Both ways, it's a circus, and either way, you're a total and absolute clown.

S. Sidhu, former T.O. fan

PS- If you need grammar lessons, Terrell, I will gladly provide them. You may be a clown, but at least we can make you an educated clown."

May 8, 2002
And here is a typical Owens resonse...

Owens: I was just kidding around

It remains to be seen whether Garcia will be tossing passes to Owens next season.
What's the fuss? Terrell Owens says comments made on his Web site about Jeff Garcia last week should not have been taken so seriously. Owens, now a free agent, appeared to ridicule Garcia, saying he would only stay with the 49ers if the team found someone else to play quarterback. "I'm willing to work out a contract if the Niners can get a quarterback to match my skills as a receiver!" Owens wrote at the time. After his comments were reported by the meanstream media, including the San Francisco Chronicle and ESPN.com, Owens says the comments were taken out of context and exaggerated.
May 4, 2002
That about sums it up. Especially the part about thanking god after the 1999 playoff game. After that game, he also said "I couldn't have done it without my teammates. I appreciate each and every one of you." That was the last bit of graciousness that TO has ever shown.
May 8, 2002
And that's real pimpin! I got love for T.O. and the skills that he has shown in the past but once he started puttin down the players and the coaches he became more of a distraction to the team then ever. A close sorce has even told me that T.O. had also been checked by a teamate and team members had to break it up (that punk was gettin beat down). As far as Im concerned T.O. is a punk and I hope he goes to a mediocer team that makes him un happy for the rest of his career. He's gone for sure it's just a matter of seeing what we can get for him once we put the franchise tag on him.
May 2, 2002
He's gone for sure it's just a matter of seeing what we can get for him once we put the franchise tag on him.
What do you mean it's a matter of seeing what you can get?

It's already known what a team has to give up for a player with a franchise tag.

And with his theatrics, teams may not be willing to give that up.

It's better just to part ways.....
May 8, 2002
gimpypimp said:
What do you mean it's a matter of seeing what you can get?

It's already known what a team has to give up for a player with a franchise tag.

And with his theatrics, teams may not be willing to give that up.

It's better just to part ways.....
Yes but we can also trade him as well for a player rather than picks!
Jun 25, 2002
lol tone your are in for a long season next year.

don't forget you would look great in Silver and Black

we have one seat in the black hole left next to me and splitperson lol
May 8, 2002
gimpypimp said:
When was the last time you seen a player for player(s) trade in the NFL?

It doesn't happen anymore.
Im not sayin a one for one trade Im talkin about a person and maybe a 2nd or 3rd round pick! It can happen both ways. But I would preffer that someone gives up 2 1st rounder!
May 8, 2002
onlyonesmoke said:
lol tone your are in for a long season next year.

don't forget you would look great in Silver and Black

we have one seat in the black hole left next to me and splitperson lol
Hahaha you're a fool mayn! Never will I wear that shit lol! But the Raiders have more problems and a worse coach then the Niners. But good luck with it.
Apr 25, 2002
LOL @ switching to a raiders fan. why would ANYONE wanna do that? they are among the very worst teams in the league.

as for the letter or thread to T.O., he pretty much took the words outta my mind. i hope T.O. read that bcuz he needs a reality check. hella people hate on Jeff Garcia, but i would rather keep him than Owens. he'll get franchise tagged and traded to a team for sumthing good. they need to trade his ass for a CB to play opposite of Ahmed Plummer.
Apr 25, 2002
HAHA Onlyonesmoke..........homie, you are in for an even longer season next year.....you might even wanna sit this up commin one out

an thats a complete joke, thats a good letter......but how can you compare owens to Jerry??????? you cant rattle rice, an to fuck with owens all you have to do is hit him.......owens is punk bitch an for him to even be compared to Jerry is a joke


May 16, 2002
May 2, 2002
Peterson has stated that he wants to stay in SF and is more than willing to work out a deal, so T.O. will get tagged and traded.
Saying you want to work out a deal, and actually doing it are two different things.

We'll see.....