WWE website claims Daniel Bryan has been released

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Nov 14, 2002
I'm pretty sure I could beat up that kid if I bothered to look at the bottom of my shoe and scrape him off when I was walking down the street. I think I've stepped on wads of gum that were not only taller, but also with more structural integrity than that guy. I've stacked Jenga for an hour and still had a tower that would be harder to knock over if I were playing on a table made of wet post-it notes.

That dude is the future of my balls... Wrinkly, hairy, average in size, and good on the mic.
May 24, 2002
NoDQ.com > WWE > PETA wants Daniel Bryan back in the WWE
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 06/21/2010 at 08:35 PM

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter to Vince McMahon asking for Bryan Danielson to be hired back. In the letter PETA wrote, "I might not personally carry the same clout as other Bryan supporters like John Cena or Shawn Michaels (although I do consider myself 'The Showstopper of PETA'), but I am, along with many of my colleagues, a huge Daniel Bryan fan, not only because he humiliated the Miz and Michael Cole a few weeks back on Raw but also because he's vegan.

Just by being vegan, Bryan saves more than 100 animals a year, a feat far more impressive than any of Jack Swagger's 'accomplishments.' Savvy athletes go vegan for the health benefits, too, as they slash their risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

So what do you say, Mr. McMahon? Bring back Bryan and let him prove that he belongs. And maybe there could even be a storyline romance between Bryan and the gorgeous vegan diva Tiffany! (Who, in your PETA fans' opinion, deserves another shot at Layla.)"
Aug 16, 2003
Daniel Bryan for Raw GM!!!!

I see that happeing for real. After the way Raw ended last night I can see the Rookies "making" Mr McMahon bringing him back

Plus if PETA is for it so am I lol......


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
if vince didnt get beat up by the NXT guys id assume danielson was the secret GM, they still might be able to twist the angle to make him GM somehow though
May 24, 2002
NoDQ.com > WWE > Danielson comments on WWE release and PG wrestling
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 06/27/2010 at 03:10 AM

Thanks to Aaron Moore and prowrestling.net for the following notes from the Chikara show on Saturday night...

Bryan Danielson came out to a mixture of the NXT and Final Countdown music. When he came out, tons of people threw ties into the ring . He won the match (over Eddie Kingston) with a roll up, but afterwards he got on the mic and talked about how he couldn't talk about what happen.

Danielson did put over PG wrestling by saying that its about the wrestling and even PG stuff can entertain. He was really good on the mic and seemed to be biding his time until he can get rehired.

After the event, I met him with many other fans to get autographs. Tons of people got him to choke them with a tie for their pictures with him. He told me basically that he thought he was a scapegoat and just waiting out his noncompete clause then going from there. Overall, great to see him in person. Great show.
Nov 24, 2003
If Danielson doesn't comeback, well i really don't care cause IMO he had a great run with the awesome promo when he talked about politics, Vince McMahon liking big guys, and WWE pushing wrestlers they made themselves, knocking Cole, spitting in Cena's face and kick him and the fans are still chanting his name at shows.... i m not worried about Danielson's futur.

On other hand WWE looking like total morons, they just fired the best technical wrestler they had since Kurt Angle cause he choked a announcer with A FUCKING TIE... comon'

but Vince is a smart motherfucker, he knows that Danielson is money and bring ppl who watch indy shows so i think Danielson will be back after the 90 days no-compete cause
Oct 3, 2006
If Danielson doesn't comeback, well i really don't care cause IMO he had a great run with the awesome promo when he talked about politics, Vince McMahon liking big guys, and WWE pushing wrestlers they made themselves, knocking Cole, spitting in Cena's face and kick him and the fans are still chanting his name at shows.... i m not worried about Danielson's futur.

On other hand WWE looking like total morons
, they just fired the best technical wrestler they had since Kurt Angle cause he choked a announcer with A FUCKING TIE... comon'

but Vince is a smart motherfucker,
he knows that Danielson is money and bring ppl who watch indy shows so i think Danielson will be back after the 90 days no-compete cause
huh lol but yeah i know vince is def gonna wanna hire him back, he could double and triple any amount of money that TNA would try to sign danielson...we'll see
Jul 22, 2008
well the choking with the tie thing is a reasonable excuse since the Chris Beniot thing

and I can see why they wanna have to maintain that PG rating

but shit, that incident made for sum good ass television
Jul 25, 2002
Bryan Danielson's entrance with Chikara fans throwing neckties

Footage of Bryan Danielson's entrance at Saturday's Chikara pro wrestling event in Taylor, Mich. is available below. The fans threw neck ties as a spoof on Danielson being released by WWE for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with a tie during the initial NXT attack



Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Hes gonna be back in the WWE pretty soon, he basically made him the biggest free agent in the business right now. More people are talking about him than Batista