The 80's were also totally different times. Heros and shit were a lot more appreciated and liked.
my question was though, what is it that the old guys are complaining about? you listen to a shoot with guys like roddy piper or whoever and they seem to suggest that todays young wrestlers just dont get it. i get what theyre saying that a lot of the young guys today get pushed without having went through much hard knocks, or they are originally actors or something and dont have that genuine knowledge and passion for the business, but at the end of the day i feel like with a couple years of training much of these young wrestlers can put on a more entertaining wrestling match than piper ever did. they maybe wont ever touch him on the mic, but as far as wrestling goes, theyre more athletic, agile, creative, etc. so whats the problem? that they havent been banged around long enough to the point of drug addiction?