Hey man it's philly. Our fans have always been dicks no matter what sport....
Fan stuff from the show:
"One such guy was banging on the Usos car with his souvenir metal folding chair from the floor seats. The driver slammed on the brakes and an Uso got out from the passenger side while the heckler TOOK OFF. The Uso yelled, "Come on, man! This ain't no wrestling shit! Let's go!" People cheered for this and laughed as the idiot with the chair ran away.
There was one doofus in particular who was really making a scene, and the car carrying Fandango caught the worst of it. This "fan" set up his souvenir chair directly in front of Fandango's SUV and wouldn't let him pass. Some other idiot was slamming a Hulk Hogan poster against the passenger side windshield and yelled, "Welcome to Philly! Hulk Hogan rules the universe! This is Philly and you ain't shit! We don't like WWE's bullshit!" Fandango, to his credit, stared straight ahead, but he looked really annoyed. "