I really really think they have meesed up with Cena, it killed the match last night. The crowd does not care for The Miz because he is a heel and he is The Miz and then they have turned the fans against Cena with the help of The Rock. The whole scenario left the crowd somewhat confused and then that week ending that made little too no sense.
They either need to work on getting the fans to like Cena a little more or turn him heel because it was just odd last night, definitely the worst WM in the past couple years. It's hard to get into a match when no one really cheers for the Miz and boos Cena when he is recovery, it just seems like the match was set up where when Cena does X (insert whatever recovery move here) they should be cheering but they didn’t and even when Cena came out with all that show and theatrics, it makes it weird when they are booing it.
WWE has made it almost trendy to dislike Cena and his audience is primarily kids, which 1)makes it hard for them to be louder than the adults at live shows and 2) makes it hard for them to turn Cena heel. Honestly I have not seen a more confused state in wrestling.