Edge vs. Del Rio
Miz vs. Cena
Orton vs. Punk
Triple H vs. King Sheamus
Misterio vs. Rhodes
Cole vs. Lawler (let's say Cole costs Lawler the belt @ EC, Lawler has enough of that shit, Raw GM lets King have him but only @ WM)
Kong: I think she's gonna come in, kill Eve, win the Divas belt, and face Natalya or Phoenix. If anything, WWE should make it a triple threat (or add Melina, make it four way).
Taker: either face Kane or Barrett for revenge for getting buried, or Nash (Diesel wants to avenge Michaels' defeat, has history with UT) or Sting in what might be the final match of the night. Depends, as Taker's still nursing his injury and may not be 100% for WM.
Nash: if not Taker, possibly Big Show. the shared glance @ Rumble, the history...having both Nash/Show and Sting/Taker on the same show helps for nostelgia. Maybe a Nash/Barrett match is possible...
Nexus vs. Corre: not the leaders, but something to give the rest of 'em
MITB: why make it a ppv? it's great as a part of WM. maybe Morrison will be in it, and win? He can go on and be the first winner to lose his title match, because Vince has no faith in him. hahaha...
Christian: he can return, be in MITB, see the rest above...
Jericho: says his new deal is 90% done but still got stuff to work out. he's gotta promote his upcoming book. smart money says he'll return sometime AFTER Mania.
Shaping up alright so far...
Who knows...