WOW just when I thought the Juggalos couldn't fuck up their name reputation further..

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Oct 25, 2006
Ummm... had WHAT planned exactly? To get shit thrown at her? I also fail to see how trying to make money is an undesirable characteristic. Your boss doesn't hate you because you're busting your ass for a paycheck, now does he? A person that can go up on stage in front of thousands of disgruntled, hate-filled face painting queers deserves at least a decent amount of money. I'm glad she made an example of these low-life cretins. I can't believe people actually defend these wastes of life. Maybe the Strange Music forum really is full of morons...
May 31, 2007
Why didnt like Lil Kim get the same treatment?
I wonder how people would feel about the same shit happenin to her. And no im not trying to play the race card. Just because of her status and how she is known
Sep 12, 2005
I really dont see how some people think almost killing the ugliest chick in the world is ok for no good reason, but a really hot chick comes along at a concert to perform and almost dies is not ok at all simply because shes hot. Is this what some of you are thinking? I dont think anybody should die unless you killed someone yourself.
Jan 5, 2010
umm she's going to try to sue, thats hows shes trying to make money! what relevance does this bitch actually have in media/music life? not much. She definately got a fat paycheck just for the show and psychopathic is gona settle for a good amount of cash unless their lawyer pulls some shit outa his ass
Apr 30, 2008
I don't know or care about her at all but anybody talkin about fighting juggalos over this shit is fuckin great. I never leave without a gun and I'm stupid enough and smart enough at the same time to use it and get away with it.
Nov 7, 2006
I don't know or care about her at all but anybody talkin about fighting juggalos over this shit is fuckin great. I never leave without a gun and I'm stupid enough and smart enough at the same time to use it and get away with it.
if thats directed towards my statement then maybe you should re-read what i said. i for the most part hate all juggalos at the mass show. they ignorant as fuck and they actually try to do so which makes it more pathetic. i get into atleast an argument with one every damn time and at the last tech show i elbowed the shit out of one that was tryin to take my spot. this type of story just fuels my hatred for the dumb ones even more and when one steps out of line remotely close to me at the show im going to fight that fucker just to release the stress they been puttin on me since 03.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
umm she's going to try to sue, thats hows shes trying to make money! what relevance does this bitch actually have in media/music life? not much. She definately got a fat paycheck just for the show and psychopathic is gona settle for a good amount of cash unless their lawyer pulls some shit outa his ass
so basically what you're saying is like

Tila: "HMM... These clowny fucks have invited me to be a part of their concert extravaganza/ass-rape weekend camping trip, so I think I'll try to perform and hopefully they'll throw shit at me and fuck up my face so that I CAN SUE!!! WHAT A MASTERFUL PLAN!"

umm... get the fuck outta here with that square ass mentality.
Nov 7, 2006
Although i find this shit fucked up, i love how everyone thinks every Juggalo is like this, talking about whoopin any Juggalos ass at a show cus of this, all though i'm not a Juggalo i find it funny how so many Tech fans run there mouth about Juggalos on the forums but never do it at the shows, i always sit there and watch the Juggalos at shows to see if someone will pick a fight with them and it never happens.

But anyways this shit is fucked up, but i think she's using it a little to much to get attn.

what shows you go to? i never start shit with any juggalo at events and when there doin there dumb ass shit i usually stay away from it, but during the set when they try to get my spot by elbowin me n wiggling there lil fingers by my waste thats when i get at them, i 1st tell them to cut the shit and if that dont work me n my boy let him pass in front of us and we elbow the shit out of him till he gets out of the way or cries to staff. it rarely happens cause alot do have respect and appoligies when i ssay something, but some deserve it.
May 31, 2007
I don't know or care about her at all but anybody talkin about fighting juggalos over this shit is fuckin great. I never leave without a gun and I'm stupid enough and smart enough at the same time to use it and get away with it.
Good. Fuck that bitch. I wish I could have been there to throw piss at her. Stupid fuckin whore.
This and pretty much everything you have said has proved you to be nothing more than a coward
Apr 30, 2008
if thats directed towards my statement then maybe you should re-read what i said. i for the most part hate all juggalos at the mass show. they ignorant as fuck and they actually try to do so which makes it more pathetic. i get into atleast an argument with one every damn time and at the last tech show i elbowed the shit out of one that was tryin to take my spot. this type of story just fuels my hatred for the dumb ones even more and when one steps out of line remotely close to me at the show im going to fight that fucker just to release the stress they been puttin on me since 03.
Nah I wasn't addressing you, but if the shoe fits. I go to shows to get violent and I don't give a fuck whats going on around me cause I normally go to shows at least 10 deep so I ain't got to worry about gettin jumped and I keep a valve stem remover in my shoe incase I got to stab somebody with the quickness. I learned from the OG Pre-Wraith era juggalos that are all but retired now cause of age and injury. Somebody has to show these bitches how to do it the fuck up and it's too bad if a bitch gets in the way. They should stay the fuck away from the pits at the back or at the bar if they want to enjoy the music.
Sep 19, 2008
Nah I wasn't addressing you, but if the shoe fits. I go to shows to get violent and I don't give a fuck whats going on around me cause I normally go to shows at least 10 deep so I ain't got to worry about gettin jumped and I keep a valve stem remover in my shoe incase I got to stab somebody with the quickness. I learned from the OG Pre-Wraith era juggalos that are all but retired now cause of age and injury. Somebody has to show these bitches how to do it the fuck up and it's too bad if a bitch gets in the way. They should stay the fuck away from the pits at the back or at the bar if they want to enjoy the music.
You disgust me, fuck you

And Im not saying that out of hatred for Juggalos, I know a lot of cool juggalos that I know from my high school days and still keep in touch, but the juggalos like you are the reason people hate juggalos, you go to a concert to have a good time, not to get violent you dumb fuck. If you wanna do that go to a fuckin slipknot concert. And the whole Ill hit a bitch atittude just goes to show how much of a scum you really are. Id have a real reality check if I were you, grow up.
Jul 1, 2007
Nah I wasn't addressing you, but if the shoe fits. I go to shows to get violent and I don't give a fuck whats going on around me cause I normally go to shows at least 10 deep so I ain't got to worry about gettin jumped and I keep a valve stem remover in my shoe incase I got to stab somebody with the quickness. I learned from the OG Pre-Wraith era juggalos that are all but retired now cause of age and injury. Somebody has to show these bitches how to do it the fuck up and it's too bad if a bitch gets in the way. They should stay the fuck away from the pits at the back or at the bar if they want to enjoy the music.
You disgust me, fuck you

And Im not saying that out of hatred for Juggalos, I know a lot of cool juggalos that I know from my high school days and still keep in touch, but the juggalos like you are the reason people hate juggalos, you go to a concert to have a good time, not to get violent you dumb fuck. If you wanna do that go to a fuckin slipknot concert. And the whole Ill hit a bitch atittude just goes to show how much of a scum you really are. Id have a real reality check if I were you, grow up.
Apr 8, 2006
The 49 year old guy was actually a carney or concession worker who stabbed one of his employee's I hear. But then there's this
Method Man -- Some Juggalo Busted My Eye Open

Tila Tequila wasn't the only bloody victim of flying debris at the Gathering of the Juggalos over the weekend -- Method Man was also attacked with a dangerous projectile ... and TMZ has obtained the photos of his bloody face.

According to an eyewitness, Method Man and Redman were performing at the festival Sunday night when someone in the audience threw what looked like "a full beer can" at MM's face -- resulting in a pretty nasty eye wound.

In our video, shot moments after the incident, Redman throws expletives at the crowd before telling Method, "Your face is cut, go take care of that."

But MM refuses to stop the show -- bloody eye and all -- and yells out, "Start the music we're continuing the show, let's f**k these motherf**kers up."

So far, no word from the people behind the concert.
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