I'm tryin to get in right now. It ain't all that easy. I went to the Air Force recruiting office a couple weeks ago. Check this shit out, I told them that I didn't have a High School diploma I only had my GED. And the dude told me they didn't have any more GED slots open til October. I was all, "man I can't wait that long, my jobs shuttin down, and I only got a month left to stay where I'm at." So he told me to go to this adult school and he said he heard of people gettin there diploma's in a month. He said if I had my diploma I could score lower on my ASVAB test and still get in. I was trippin I was like if a high school diploma is supposed to be better than a GED then why do I have to score lower on the test to get in with a diploma and higher with a GED? That make sense to anybody? To me a diploma is how good you can remember things and spit them back out and a GED was more of a test of your personality. Because to get your diploma you have tests that say "give the correct answer" and to get your GED you have tests that say "choose which answer you think is best".
Anyways I'll probably end up in the Marines like my brother. The more I thought about it those were the guys with the most heart. Everybody thinks that there just dumb killing machines. How the fuck are you gonna call somebody dumb who'll go out there and fight for you with everything they got and do it well cuz they believe in what your tellin them. The only dumb person is the one who's tellin them to do something wrong.
An honest leader fights for an honest cause, and even if all the people he has working under him aren't honest, as long as they have to do what he tells them, they fight for an honest cause. And maybe when that honest cause is won, we'll all realize that the only cause was honesty in the first place.
On a side note anybody know how you would go about getting into the CIA. Any career paths I could take or somethin or what type of schooling I'd need to know to get in. I figure those guys know more of the truth about what's goin on then anybody else. And that's about the only thing I'm interested in learning about, truth. It's like I really want to stab somebody for this shady world, but I want to make it count.
If I got drafted I wouldn't have a choice and I think Canada is filled with pussies. Every other country I've seen ain't got shit on America anyway. Damn you unloyal lazyass bastards. Listen to yourselves "If I have to fight I'm gonna leave cuz America is wrong and it sucks, but if my neighbors and friends go out there and die it's all right, I guess then I'll stay in this godforsaken hellhole of a country and sit around on my cowardass and talk shit about how I think the president should do his job without havin a fucking clue of what's really goin on cuz I never tried to find out sitting in my paradise of ignorance."
"Decepticons get ready to roll on all these transformers"-Dre Dog
"Cut the head." - A smart soldier
"BOOM! Wake up call." -I don't know