Would more holiday be good for America?

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Apr 25, 2002
Nah, I'm the only one that can do what I do here (browse the siccness for hours upon hours) so it would be difficult
They say the same about me. People complained for weeks before and after I went to Thailand. When I told them I was going again next year they about shit a brick.
May 13, 2002
yeah, lol at France.

are there really regulations against unions? If not those should be propagandized like crazy.
you'll get fired for uttering the word union at some places. A couple years ago there was Walmart in the east I believe and there was talk of starting a union. What does walmart do? They just tear down the entire store at that location.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
I got my own company...no vacation or sick days for me...always have to work. My employees get paid vacation and sick leave, but they don't really get sick...and China has several weeks of national holidays.
Apr 18, 2005
I had heard about life outside of the U.S. and about the whole holiday/days off thing by a barber at a hair salon once. She was of Asian decent but had lived all her life in Russia or Germany? (One of the two in Europe) Very interesting, humble, & informative woman. she was telling me how life was very different, if not, better in her original country which she favored because of that specific reason. She had said from her observations life was too fast paced here, 'dog eat dog' way of living. which it is although I' sure some would say otherwise. I could only imagine when she told me how after a specific time of evry weekend?, all business are forced to be closed (law) and it's actually favored to go out and meet people. Mingle and what not. I had then thought, that must keep society itself pretty aligned in a "good" way because rather than it seperates people & keeps them fearing eachother, it gives perfect opportunity to join forces with one another with whatever that may pertain.

I do think this question is kind of irrelevant today. I mean, it would have gotten people to have actually thought outside of the box to the question a long time ago (due to obvious "benefits" they'd realize) but it's wayyyyy too late for the 'average' american to even wish of taking time off work (+ pay? pshh) . If the majority of people were to see this, or just to think of it, they'd think "well shit, wouldnt we all want that, BUT (and there's always a but) "bills got to be paid" or something down that line that matches their particular situation. people arent any more upset about working, if anything now it's taken without thought because of the times we live in. the systems too complex to be broken.masses and masses [AND MASSES] of psychology used in this one.
May 14, 2002
you'll get fired for uttering the word union at some places. A couple years ago there was Walmart in the east I believe and there was talk of starting a union. What does walmart do? They just tear down the entire store at that location.
But if people mention or thinking about joining a union and they get fired over that, surely they get fight that in court, no?

Was that really the reason walmart teared down that location? Thats a desperate measure..
May 9, 2002
But if people mention or thinking about joining a union and they get fired over that, surely they get fight that in court, no?

Was that really the reason walmart teared down that location? Thats a desperate measure..
I dont know how many states have it, but here in Washington, you can fired without explanation. However, that does not mean you cant sue a company for a firing that may be wrong.
May 13, 2002
But if people mention or thinking about joining a union and they get fired over that, surely they get fight that in court, no?
pretty hard to prove stuff like that in court, especially if you're a unemployed worker versus a big company.

Was that really the reason walmart teared down that location? Thats a desperate measure..
Yes, here is one example in Canada:
Wal-Mart Crushes Union by Closing Store

Several years ago a couple people I knew tried to start a union at Pizza hut in seattle, you can read about the struggle of that here:

It eventually failed both people were "let go" for various bs reasons.
May 14, 2002
DAMN... I didn't read the pizza hut one yet I will later.

But in the case for wal mart, isn't there an umbrella union for all retail employees they could join? So wal mart wouldn't be involved directly.

For example; the wal mart employees become a member of this union for a small monthly fee.
If they have some trouble with their employers they tell the union, who in their place takes action/talks to the employers.

Because of the umbrella form it will be a much bigger union instead of forming just a union of wal mart employees.

And if the case will be they 'suddenly close the store' because they are afraid of the union, they should be obliged to open up their books!

Or is this just crazy talk? I am not sure but I think this is the way it is done over here..
We have separate unions for employees who can become a member, no matter what company they work at.
May 14, 2002
I dont know how many states have it, but here in Washington, you can fired without explanation. However, that does not mean you cant sue a company for a firing that may be wrong.
Even with a steady contract? That is inhumane, how can you not sue a company that fired you without explanation?
That's not even logical, wtf!?

We have a "law insurance" for conflicts like these.
If I would get in a legal fight with my boss I can call these cats and they would jump to my aide, with the all the legal books they got.

America is a terrible example for the rest of the world!
May 14, 2002
I double checked today and there is no limit on sick day's here. (for me it is really unimaginable that that even exists!)
You can be sick up until a year, if you get some chronic condition or something before your boss can take actions that will lead to your dismissal.
But I don't think you will receive a full pay check for the entire year though.
May 13, 2002
I double checked today and there is no limit on sick day's here. (for me it is really unimaginable that that even exists!)
You can be sick up until a year, if you get some chronic condition or something before your boss can take actions that will lead to your dismissal.
But I don't think you will receive a full pay check for the entire year though.
typically we get 6 paid sick days a year.
May 14, 2002
6 days a year? Damn... you need some activists!

I never knew you had it that bad.
But all that 'America is the greatest country in the world' propaganda is starting to make sense to me now.
May 14, 2002
I don't know about Seattle but the weather here is similar to the weather in London.
Cold by itself isn't that bad. But combined with wind and rain is hell.

Every winter it's either a lot of rain and wind or through the bone chilling cold hard strong winds coming from the North Sea. Grey and depressing really...


Sep 16, 2008

The figures in a 2007 report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) are stark. It looked at 21 of the richest countries in the world, and found that only one, the US, does not impose a legal mandate on employers to provide time off.

Obviously, people in America do get paid annual leave, but for most wage earners it is subject to so many different calculations based on seniority and how much you earn, it can only be described as miserly.

In other words, it is a privilege to be earned rather than a normal part of compensation.

Nine days of annual leave is what the average American accrues during the course of a year. So you have to be at your job for 12 months before you begin to get even that amount.

Full Article:
unreliable source
May 13, 2002
clearly the source couldn't come from you as you've only been legally allowed to work for about 6 months now, so obviously you can't contribute any information based on personal experience.

LOL @ the fact I've literally worked more years than you've been alive.