I had heard about life outside of the U.S. and about the whole holiday/days off thing by a barber at a hair salon once. She was of Asian decent but had lived all her life in Russia or Germany? (One of the two in Europe) Very interesting, humble, & informative woman. she was telling me how life was very different, if not, better in her original country which she favored because of that specific reason. She had said from her observations life was too fast paced here, 'dog eat dog' way of living. which it is although I' sure some would say otherwise. I could only imagine when she told me how after a specific time of evry weekend?, all business are forced to be closed (law) and it's actually favored to go out and meet people. Mingle and what not. I had then thought, that must keep society itself pretty aligned in a "good" way because rather than it seperates people & keeps them fearing eachother, it gives perfect opportunity to join forces with one another with whatever that may pertain.
I do think this question is kind of irrelevant today. I mean, it would have gotten people to have actually thought outside of the box to the question a long time ago (due to obvious "benefits" they'd realize) but it's wayyyyy too late for the 'average' american to even wish of taking time off work (+ pay? pshh) . If the majority of people were to see this, or just to think of it, they'd think "well shit, wouldnt we all want that, BUT (and there's always a but) "bills got to be paid" or something down that line that matches their particular situation. people arent any more upset about working, if anything now it's taken without thought because of the times we live in. the systems too complex to be broken.masses and masses [AND MASSES] of psychology used in this one.