spending is what got america out of the great depression.
Pretty sure WWI had a hand in it.
That is what we need.. Another world war.. Kill of plenty of people, and we create more jobs manufacturing weapons. (more or less a joke)
There are a lot of things we could do that can help out the situation.
One thing would be to put a cap on gas prices. If gas prices don't start going up again (which they already are), then people have more money in their pockets, and are more likely to spend that money on other shit- stimulating the economy.
Another thing I think Obama should do, is stop showing up every fucking where. He doesn't need to fly to fucking Denver to make a speech. He doesn't need to fly to God damn Canada to convince them the North American trade agreement will still be in effect. Same for all these large companies. It might not seem like that much, but little shit like that adds up. I think anytime we find members of congress going to spas, or big businesses giving out huge bonuses to everyone, they should be taxed hardcore.. Same goes for Obama and members of his cabinet. Leaders need to set examples. What kind of message is this giving? :
WASHINGTON (AP) - When corporate titans indulged in perks like private jets and luxury junkets, members of Congress were quick to criticize. But that hasn't stopped lawmakers from heading for party retreats at resorts where they spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars and mingle with lobbyists.
"We're very mindful" of perceptions, House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson told reporters Thursday camped outside of the sprawling Kingsmill Resort & Spa in Williamsburg, Va., where House Democrats were on their annual three-day retreat, an event which has in the past cost in the neighborhood of $100,000.
But then again.. What the fuck do I know? I'm just the asshole that is going to have to pay off all this debt.