Ammunition, i honestly cannot see how people have the nerve to talk shit about what your doing.
if your not replacing someone directly, you will give others a better chance or hope of leaving the war.
you are a good hearted person and good luck with your carrer after you return from iraq.
will you be stuck there until you are relieved?
btw what tracks have you done with woodie.
your a really intelligent person it seems, but i dont quite understand how you are such a firm believer of this consipracy theory.
shit dont always go down how you want it to, lots of earthquake proof buildings have fell... during a earthquake.
Im sure a plane hitting a tower would replicate a "small" earthquake.
lots of stuff could have been messed up when a plane hit it, its hardly "a pencil going through a screen door"
and who did the government get to drive these planes into buildings anyway, some taliban terrorists?
with the plan in mind to start a war with Iraq?
so the whole mission of hiring taliban people to hijack our own planes, placing explosive devices at the bottom of the towers, crashing all the planes into buildings, killing ~3000 innocent people, killing some members of the pentagon, was to start a war with Iraq, and to to get oil for bush's company.
oh and then keep it secret for rest of time.
it sounds like a stupid joke.
like calling the titanic, "the unsinkable ship" a conspiracy, just because it sank.
it would take more then a few people to pull this scheme off anyway, like a unit of 200 people expected to keep the same secret forever?
and do you think the president just gets to pick war?
a little thought went into this entire situation before it happened...
im sure ill be called ignorant, like everyone else in this thread, but thats what i think of the conspiracy.
do you believe these theories?
just a question.