are you really that stupid?
you think were so stupid we can own a house (or rent), have a car, kids, food in the fridge, the heater on blast in the cold...know about stocks bonds, exchange rates, cell phone carrier rates, we know how to navigate the world around us...most of us work, or have worked in a position where base, common sense knowledge isnt enough to hold the job, and yet...
were not capable of understanding what a rapper is talkin about in his music?
your new here, so ill give you a break...but like i said, your new dont know anyone or anything
for you to call anyone ignorant, just cause you dont know what trolls are and cant see how stupid you doesnt make it true
i can say pigs fly and water flows upward....doesnt make it true dumb ass
that, and the fact that video and song is over a few years old...i can say with almost perfect accuracy that your not the only person who sees the message behind that video and the millions like it...
anyway...if your so concerned, how come your not doin shit about it? you sit there and call us ignorant and i have yet to see you show us some intelligent knowledge from you...whos the ignorant fuck?