LOL. Ok, so I think RIX officially deserves the title "SUCKA"... if you can't handle the heat... get out the kitchen! How you gonna go deleting all your posts in this topic? It's a damn shame some of quoted you huh?
LMFAO...I was bored and looking at this post and was like "what the fuck is everyone talking about? "I haven't seen Rix post on this thread" I guess he thought if he deleted his posts than everything would just go away LMFAO.
LOL I don't have a reason to bro....I don't ban people just for the fuck of it believe it or not....U did say some shit that was kinda foul, but so do plenty of people....relax a lil
LOL I don't have a reason to bro....I don't ban people just for the fuck of it believe it or not....U did say some shit that was kinda foul, but so do plenty of people....relax a lil
bahahaha.."i got nothin to lose"..what the fuck..yea man ban him..put him out of his misery..this internet life aint nothin nice....he a ryde or die member lol