honestly i dont think thats smart. if i was in her situation yea i would consider it if i loved him still and if i thought he could be a good father. but i mean u sayin she aint seem em in a while....... how does she know hes changed? man if i was her i would tell em u want us back u have to come down here where my kids and i are stable and show me uve changed and u mean nothin but good for the kids and i. i wouldnt just automatically let em back in our lives. wut she gonna do if he dont wanna move shell probably go since its best for the kids . or wut she gonna do when he gets tired cheats and bounces on em? the kids are gonna have to yet let go of em again. so i dont think its so smart of her part. i hope she doesnt just say yes to him right away cause hell just step all over her. who knows he might change. im not sayin hes all bad. just seems like shes gettin way ahead of everything. thats just me tho. if i was u straight up id start letting go. dont call her unless u really feel the need to lol.