Just got a beta code for the standalone Gwent game. Hopefully my piece of shit computer meets the minimum requirements to play it, beta is only available for PC and xbone apparently, even though the retail game will be available on ps4 as well.
I read a lot from the closed beta it's just as fun as the in-game Gwent, just obviously a lot more challenging playing against humans.
Man idk though, not sure if I should really dive into this level of Nerdom. There are certain addictions that consume all of one's time, and this just may be one of those things for me. Most games you play for a while until you best it or get tired of it, but others consume you. Like when Red Alert came out and also Empire Earth, Age of Empires, those "games" were straight crack for me. Fire it up at 8pm on a Friday night telling yourself you'll play for an hour or two, next thing you know it's the following Tuesday and you missed school and haven't ate any food besides Doritos .