So now not only do leaks kill an album, but now knowing possible features, seeing Fake Tracklists and eventually a legit Tracklist makes them not "sould fresh"...
Some of you are just ridiculous.
And some of us just dont get it :ermm:
Let me explain for a second. I fucked up listening to the last strange albums by previewing snips of the songs over and over....and by getting to much info on everything before listening to the whole album. It kind of fucked up my experience of Genius for instance becasue while listening to the album I ended up skipping half of the tracks or FF them because I had heard parts on the snippet or the whole song because of leaks. A track list with features dosent ruin anything per say but it does make me look a little harder for leaks and shit.
Im guess I should have said Im trying to go ol school on this album. I might check out listing and shit but If I see lovebuckets or whover the fuck post the WHOLE DAMN ALBUM on youtube again I wont listen to them over and over and play the shit out before I even have a hard copy of it.
I want this shit to be like the 1st time I heard Anghellic...I didnt know what to expect going in and the shit turned into a classic for me.