fucken, lord, that show at memorial hall was the fucken shit, my first icp concert. i am fucken bruised like a motherfucker now though. them juggalos are some crazy motherfuckers. this bitch got all pissed cus she got some faygo on her and she flipped everyone off and she said "i hate all you motherfuckers" or somethin like that, i was for sure she was going to get the fuck beat outta her.
when kutt jumped off stage and either kicked me or hit me in my titty, it hurt like a bitch. it was all good though. after the show i got a pic of tech and he signed my poster.
if you didnt go, you missed out on some good shit, even if you didnt like icp you shoulda went to see KMK and tech and left before icp got onstage, it was worth the money.