so many questions few answers. ok answer this please, ok when we learn stuff in history class we always look at the "white man's" views. when america was founded it is looked at as a great time and everything went good. but in reality it wasnt. native americans were killed, raped, and their lands taken. africans were enslaved, moved from their homelands and tortured. and let me remind u ppl that i'm half white and half filipino. portugese tried to explore the philippines and Magellan was killed by my hero LapuLapu, i hope i spelled that right. but he was still credited for sailing around the world. and the "white man" wasnt the only beings to conquer and destroy other cultures. the spanish wiped out the Incas and destroyed the Aztec ppl. all these ppl are still around but it will never be the same. and another thing, they say that only minorities suffer, but its not true. i have to look at all angles and so should every1 else. white ppl in trailers can not get the same benefits as ppl in the projects. it may not be the same (trailer parks and projects) but we are all ppl and we should be all equal. but until we get rid of these laws about majority and minority we can not grow, if we are all equal under god and as stated in the constitution then why do we continue to hate each other over race and where we come from. i'm just sick of it. and it needs to stop. peace