Why was a nuclear-armed bomber allowed to fly over the US?

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Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
I agree wit 2-0-sixx.

This was a drill for a later scenario disguised as a 'mistake'

mark my words, we will be bombing iran by the end of this year.
Dec 8, 2005
strategic posturing, every other nation is saying the same thing "twasnt a mistake". gotta love it, even if it was a genuine mistake nobody would believe it. people think we are so invincible that sept 11 couldnt have been pulled off by anyone but us. thats the def of superpower.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
nhojsmith said:
strategic posturing, every other nation is saying the same thing "twasnt a mistake". gotta love it, even if it was a genuine mistake nobody would believe it.
do you know how much red tape and monitoring is done on nuclear materials? i work at a GE plant and we recieve pieces from lawrence livermore that are only a 1/100,000,000th as dangerous as these were and they come in with armed personnel and a set of documents where ever they go.. its NRC policy.. so they just 'happend' to place these pieces onto missles.. they just 'happend' to attatch them to a plane.. and this plane just 'happend' to take off..

hmmm.. ok.

nhojsmith said:
people think we are so invincible that sept 11 couldnt have been pulled off by anyone but us. thats the def of superpower.
no no, some idiots really still believe that it was all orchestrated by a man in a cave who happend to have ties to our president by sending 12 people with box cutters who happen to have been 'overlooked' even after all the 'warnings'..

i really dont know which scenario is scarier.. that our leaders were behind it or our leaders are really that fuckin stupid to not act on multiple warnings.. they were behind it at most, and let it happen at least..
Dec 8, 2005
TROLL said:
do you know how much red tape and monitoring is done on nuclear materials? i work at a GE plant and we recieve pieces from lawrence livermore that are only a 1/100,000,000th as dangerous as these were and they come in with armed personnel and a set of documents where ever they go.. its NRC policy.. so they just 'happend' to place these pieces onto missles.. they just 'happend' to attatch them to a plane.. and this plane just 'happend' to take off..

hmmm.. ok.
are you reading little buddy? or like your other posts and assertion you are acting on what you believe instead of looking at facts. i inferred it was not a mistake but strategy, put your clothes back on.

TROLL said:
no no, some idiots really still believe that it was all orchestrated by a man in a cave who happend to have ties to our president by sending 12 people with box cutters who happen to have been 'overlooked' even after all the 'warnings'..

i really dont know which scenario is scarier.. that our leaders were behind it or our leaders are really that fuckin stupid to not act on multiple warnings.. they were behind it at most, and let it happen at least..
troll you are the same as the religious peeps on this board. you choose what you believe and then you view the entire world with your preconceptions and certainty or faith. you are acting like our airport security is untouchable and can and could find anything. you act like slicing someones throat would not scare people into submission. you act like it takes some grand genius to fly a plane into a building. you act like a box cutter is king arthurs sword. apparently you have never been to a fucking airport, or else you would acknowledge that you and a band of chimps could have done the same thing if you so desired. did they do it, im not certain, but you claim to be and the burden of proof is on you.

and lol at your straw man argument, who claimed it was all planned from a cave but you? just like the religious fools saying evolutionists think man came from monkeys. ooohheee the parallels.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
nhojsmith said:
are you reading little buddy? or like your other posts and assertion you are acting on what you believe instead of looking at facts. i inferred it was not a mistake but strategy, put your clothes back on.
ha, like i would know you werent being sarcastic when you felt obligated to mention 9/11, knowing your stance, when it had nothing to do with this article..

nhojsmith said:
troll you are the same as the religious peeps on this board. you choose what you believe and then you view the entire world with your preconceptions and certainty or faith.
Actually, my assumptions are rooted in what i read, hear and see.. I dont believe that the U.S is capable of such audacious activities just 'because'..

nhojsmith said:
you are acting like our airport security is untouchable and can and could find anything.
Really? i dont remember saying that.. but 12 times in one day.. ehhh.. ok

nhojsmith said:
you act like slicing someones throat would not scare people into submission.
apparently all it takes is a turban now a dayz..
nhojsmith said:
you act like it takes some grand genius to fly a plane into a building.
OH SHIT. i didnt know you knew how to fly a commercial airliner.. tell me smith, when did you get your pilots licesnse? Since you know how to fly planes, can you tell me the procedures of making a near 360degree loop ending in a low altitude be-line into a target? since its soooo easy.

nhojsmith said:
you act like a box cutter is king arthurs sword.
huh? apparently you do if you believe the offical story..

nhojsmith said:
apparently you have never been to a fucking airport, or else you would acknowledge that you and a band of chimps could have done the same thing if you so desired.
(watch, im going to pull a nhojsmith)

Show me an example of a chimp sneaking a box cutter into the airliner

nhojsmith said:
did they do it, im not certain, but you claim to be and the burden of proof is on you.
Ha.. easy.. out of 12... 9 are still alive.. i know you seen that article..

now.. wheres your proof that is contrary to mine.. :cheeky:

nhojsmith said:
and lol at your straw man argument, who claimed it was all planned from a cave but you? just like the religious fools saying evolutionists think man came from monkeys. ooohheee the parallels.
Ha, your delusional if you can find a parralel between my statement of osama being in a cave and a religious assumption of the theory of evolution.. thats quite a stretch there buddy.. You must know where osama is since your so sure he wasnt in a cave... correct?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
why bullshit? I'm leaning towards the possibility mentioned in the bottom two paragraphs.

how often does the us fly nukes across the country or do shit like that? i really do'nt know, so if someone knows for sure, then speak up...cause it doesn't seem like something that would happen daily, weekly, or even monthly...the us doesn't give a shit, it wouldn't surprise me if they nuked iran and made some shit up...or blew up some american shit and then pointed the finger at iran...
Apr 25, 2002
They do it far more frequently than any American would be comfortable knowing about. The only difference is these were hard mounted on pylons on the wings rather than being carried within the bay of the plane. THAT is the controversy, not that they were being transported by air.
Apr 25, 2002
US Air Force to fire officers involved in 'mistaken' B-52 flight with armed nuclear weapons

The Associated Press
Published: October 18, 2007
The Air Force plans to relieve at least five officers of their commands for allowing nuclear-armed missiles to be mistakenly loaded on a B-52 bomber and flown across the United States, the worst known violation of nuclear security in decades.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates is to be briefed Friday on the plan to fire the officers and other results of a six-week Air Force probe into the Aug. 30 incident. No one noticed for hours that the weapons were aboard the eight-engine bomber, several Defense Department officials said.
One said the investigation found long-established procedures for handling the munitions were not followed, and it recommended that five or more officers be relieved of their duties.
All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record. Two also said parts of the report were being reviewed by senior Air Force officials, and it was unclear whether any changes were planned.
The Air Force said last month that a munitions squadron commander was fired shortly after the August flight, and ground crews and others involved had been temporarily decertified for handling weapons.
In an embarrassing incident that lawmakers called very disturbing, the B-52 mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles flew from Minot Air Force Base, in North Dakota near Canada, across several states in the U.S. heartland to Barksdale Air Force Base in the southern state of Louisiana. The missiles were mounted under one of the bomber's wings.
Mar 4, 2007
hm, just heard from my brother about southland tales
check it out.
here's the synopsis: Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles on July 4, 2008, as it stands on the brink of social, economic and environmental disaster. Boxer Santaros is an action star who's stricken with amnesia. His life intertwines with Krysta Now, an adult film star developing her own reality television project, and Ronald Taverner, a Hermosa Beach police officer who holds the key to a vast conspiracy. Written by TheGuyInThePj's

California is at the epicenter of a political and environmental disaster that threatens to destroy the world in this ambitious fusion of comedy, drama, dystopia science fiction, and music. In the year 2005, a nuclear attack wipes out part of the state of Texas, and three years later America is a virtual police state, with the government taking control of nearly every part of people's lives, supposedly for their own good. A German firm has found a way to generate energy using seawater, but both public and private concerns are desperate to prevent the new technology from being introduced in the gasoline-starved United States. A Marxist underground based on the West Coast is determined to bring down the federal government through violent revolution. In this midst of this chaos, we follow a number of stories that continually return to three principle characters. Boxer Santaros is an actor famous for his role in action films; he's trying to secure financing for a new project, but reality keeps mirroring the events in his script and he struggles to hold on to his identity following a bout with amnesia. Krysta Now is a porn star who is reinventing herself as a television pundit offering her views on politics, contemporary culture, and teenage sex. And Roland Taverner is an L.A. police officer whose identity has mysteriously split in two and he struggles to track down his other half. Written by The GuyInThePj's

i'm watching it right now.

btw its the same director that directed donny darko.
really good movie so far.


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
My Brother In Law Was In The Navy And Juss Last Month Finished His Tour And After He Saw This Article He Couldnt Beileve That People Took This For A "Mistake"

He Explained To Me That Arming Nuclear Warheads, Or Ammunition Onto A Aircraft Is Overseen By A Superior, Documented And B4 The Munition Is Loaded Onto The Plane, Its Checked To Make Sure Its The Right Weaponry, THEN And ONLY THEN, The Fuse That Actually Arms The Bomb Is Placed Making It Live

Chances This Was A Mistake Is NIL