Why n Tha Fuk R tha Natives Always ASSED OUT

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Jun 29, 2005
LOL Damn This Fool Aint Please By Nothing He Sayin We Needa be Showin Natives Respect But When We Name The Ones We Do Know Of He Says They Bunk Damn Dog How You GOing TO Complain About Your People Not being recognized Then When We Do You Say they Suck....Am I THe Only One A Little Confuckled About This
Jul 8, 2005
X4SmokeyX4 said:
LOL Damn This Fool Aint Please By Nothing He Sayin We Needa be Showin Natives Respect But When We Name The Ones We Do Know Of He Says They Bunk Damn Dog How You GOing TO Complain About Your People Not being recognized Then When We Do You Say they Suck....Am I THe Only One A Little Confuckled About This

Shit litefoot is bunk... That's what i'm saying, tha only native you know of that is doing big aint shit. I don't give a fuck if he is native or not that motherfucker is ridin his own dick way too often. I could really give a fuck what anybody thinks of me like i said i aint expecting no replys. All i'm Sayin is keep your ear out for some natives because we coming quik. And i don't know about us being the first norte's i never heard that shit before. I respect the nortes and all but where in tha fuck did that come from? KOLVILLE NATIVE TILL THA DAY I DIE
Apr 25, 2002
man its a simple answer..THERE REALLY AINT NO NATIVES PUTTIN SHIT OUT....plain n simple...yall need to start makin more music..just cuz u know a few cats that are tryna do it that aint shit u need a mass amount b4 yall get any "special native american" props on your music..and really its like homie said b4..it aint even about your race cuz unless yall stressed it..most cats probably would think yall were latino anyways...make more product..develope more fans..earn more respect
Dec 13, 2004
purplehaze said:
Shit litefoot is bunk... That's what i'm saying, tha only native you know of that is doing big aint shit. I don't give a fuck if he is native or not that motherfucker is ridin his own dick way too often. I could really give a fuck what anybody thinks of me like i said i aint expecting no replys. All i'm Sayin is keep your ear out for some natives because we coming quik. And i don't know about us being the first norte's i never heard that shit before. I respect the nortes and all but where in tha fuck did that come from? KOLVILLE NATIVE TILL THA DAY I DIE
It koo to see a native make it since the white man and spain took everyones land especial the native indians.The northerners and the natives alwayz got along that I know of and they always been koo to kick it with too.Keeps having you head up high homie and don't let no hater or south fool get you down..
Dec 26, 2004
Purplehaze I know how ya feelin frusrated N shit but take it eazy bro someday youll get yours, I give more reaspect to rappers whos puttin work than a rapper that made it big on they 1st album.

I was Nto alot of Native rap a few years back which is not too long ago...few Natives are slowly makin they way Nto this rap/hip hop scene but we out there IF you you really look whos around. Heres a real quick list N Nfo bout some Natives thats out there that I know of as right now.

Without Rezervation aka WOR- one of the pioneers. Oakland area. only 2 CDs dropped. 1st CD a CLASSIC for Natives "Are You Ready For WOR?" 94' lyrically good. beats simple.

Litefoot another pioneer started N94 too, many albums but not as popular as he use to be. never really got Nto him but heard no good about him. always performin at Gatherin of Nations powwow @ alb,NM 3rd wknd of April. Had a girl named Haida (High-da) under him from Canada but no more. Has/had a label 'Redvinyl' put out 3 comps wit diffent Natives "Red Ryders" 1st- ok with 5 Natives. 2cd comp is a must have...
Mr. San Man is the best but never heard of again. Mistic broke off doing his own thang iwth his ppls. a Mexican named Wicked is part of the label..............
Dec 26, 2004
.....There are more but cant remember nows. 3rd comp never heard. They WAS on the level but nomore. Beats are as good.

2 brothers Btaka N Rollin Fox (pomo/apache) Started off N the Bay then moved to AZ. Put out a CD Indian Funk Crew-Stayin Real 96' ?? I, Myself, think its another must have. Bay Area sound (lotta keyboard) I want to but dont want to say too much....almost have that East Co Co 'sound' but not as dark. Featured N Murder Dog last year. STRICTLYNATIVE.com for more Nfo. Put out 2 all Native comps but never heard or how it was. They sometime hook up wit Litefoot @ GON to perform. They makin a name for themselves alot more.

Nightshield (Lakota) comin outta South Dakota tryin to do his thing wit Mr. Sinatra. Puttin work to have his name out there representin, with few comps....heeard one comp jus so so needs more work. He has others on his label N not all are Natives from local cities N other states which is cool. NiGHTSHIELD.com I give him credit...located N 'Pine Ridge Rez'.... worst fuckin Rez/place N amerika.

Shadowyze (shadow-wise) Creek tribe?? from down south. (I seen his name on Best Whiteboy MCs N also some Greatest Latin album) Lyrically he good as the best of them. 3 CDs dropped. more hiphop than rap. last I heard he on Red Earth Records (all native music) no website that I know of....I think he should be top pick but hear lil about him.

Thats what I can come up with right nows but IF your jus even curious about what a Native rapper sounds like, I suggest...
Red Ryders vol II-Red Vinyl Records
Native Warriors-Strictly Native the other comp I forgot but its on the website.
Indian Funk Crew/Stayin Real-Strictly Native
Without Rezervation/ Are you ready for WOR-on Canyon Records (all native music)under 'rap list'

........then take it from there
Dec 26, 2004
If there are Ny other peoples think that are Native, put a list of names for Im still Nterested whos tryin to make it. @ Purplehaze, What name do you go by as N also your other homeboyz.

Yeah I heard ABK from ICP crew is 100% Native
Read that Court Dog from Kansas City half Native N black.
Taboo (?) from Black Eye Peas half Shoshone N latino
Tony Touch say he half Native from Puerto Rico
Oct 10, 2004
what does it matter what your are if the musics tight?i never even seen any native rap except a few times and it was on some spiritual shit and thats not my style it had nothin to do with them beeing native
May 9, 2002
damn ive only heard indian rap once... when i was in high school this dude i laced me, but i havnt heard n e thing since.. no norteno rapper is indian? i dont mean .002 percent or some shit, im talkin about full blooded...
May 19, 2004
my lil bro said @ the celly cell n yukmouth concert in Lakeport last week , there was some fools 4rm Ukiah that were indian/native , n he said they were pretty good . But then again u talkin bout a 14 yr olds opinion ya kno .
May 4, 2002
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:

you must not be able to read huh? u see my pic what does it say? pomo warrior. do u know what a pomo is? i hardly ever refer to myself as native american, but thats just me. so get ur shit st8 b4 u speak on something
Dec 26, 2004
Yeah I like to see how Nativez rapping skills are. IF some got skills then Im all for them. Some want to represent N a good way so they have someone to look up to talkin bout followin old ways, thats great N all but not always a young Native will know his own background that well too for growin up N the city life. IF they can pull it off with SKILLS thats great for thats all I care about.
May 9, 2002
you must not be able to read huh? u see my pic what does it say? pomo warrior. do u know what a pomo is? i hardly ever refer to myself as native american, but thats just me. so get ur shit st8 b4 u speak on something
thats pretty sad..do you always use your ethnicity in a racist way?Thats like a mexican referrin to him/herself as a wetback...educate yourself young'n...