.....There are more but cant remember nows. 3rd comp never heard. They WAS on the level but nomore. Beats are as good.
2 brothers Btaka N Rollin Fox (pomo/apache) Started off N the Bay then moved to AZ. Put out a CD Indian Funk Crew-Stayin Real 96' ?? I, Myself, think its another must have. Bay Area sound (lotta keyboard) I want to but dont want to say too much....almost have that East Co Co 'sound' but not as dark. Featured N Murder Dog last year. STRICTLYNATIVE.com for more Nfo. Put out 2 all Native comps but never heard or how it was. They sometime hook up wit Litefoot @ GON to perform. They makin a name for themselves alot more.
Nightshield (Lakota) comin outta South Dakota tryin to do his thing wit Mr. Sinatra. Puttin work to have his name out there representin, with few comps....heeard one comp jus so so needs more work. He has others on his label N not all are Natives from local cities N other states which is cool. NiGHTSHIELD.com I give him credit...located N 'Pine Ridge Rez'.... worst fuckin Rez/place N amerika.
Shadowyze (shadow-wise) Creek tribe?? from down south. (I seen his name on Best Whiteboy MCs N also some Greatest Latin album) Lyrically he good as the best of them. 3 CDs dropped. more hiphop than rap. last I heard he on Red Earth Records (all native music) no website that I know of....I think he should be top pick but hear lil about him.
Thats what I can come up with right nows but IF your jus even curious about what a Native rapper sounds like, I suggest...
Red Ryders vol II-Red Vinyl Records
Native Warriors-Strictly Native the other comp I forgot but its on the website.
Indian Funk Crew/Stayin Real-Strictly Native
Without Rezervation/ Are you ready for WOR-on Canyon Records (all native music)under 'rap list'
........then take it from there