texascheese650 said:
i have friends who are "gangsters" too...am i a gangster? i have friends who are skaters...am i a skater? you can say you know who i am and how i think, but the bottom line is you dont...so stop trying so hard
'Try hard', cowboy? Again, it was quite simple. I thought I made that clear.
In case I didn't, here goes.
You have friends that are 'gangsters'...this means you tolerate and in a sense, silenty condone gangs/gangsterism. This is something I myself am 'guilty' of.
You have friends that are skaters. You silently tolerate and condone skating. Again, something that I am 'guilty' of.
You have friends that are
racist skinheads (which, by the way, you just admitted again). You silently tolerate and condone racism.
This is something that I am NOT guilty of.
@I AM. I only know the proverb in Spanish, and that's how it translates. Werd.