Originally posted by SOAK:GAME in the other thread
i don't see any apologies from you anywhere, so therefore my go to hell remark still stands. creampuff
i like how some of you try to make fun of religion like it's some sort of joke... THIS IS SERIOUS. you might as well start flinging racial slurs at us while you're at it.
I'm sorry if you got offended and if the Bible is the truth then I'm going to hell anyway, but you must stop taking everything so fucking serious (or should I bleep that out).
I think Monty Python said it the best :
"Always Look at the Bright Side of Life"
(I can't even begin to imagine how much that movie must have offended you)
Sorry, but I don't get offended by black tits, gay people, jews, EDJ, "blasphemy", Internet etc.
I have nothing against christians, Miggidy is probably one of the posters I respect the most and he is as christian as they come.
The protagonist in the new Testament, Jesus, said a lot of great things that we should live by but that doesn't mean I don't think we should be able to make some jokes about him, Muhammed, Buddha, Allah or even God himself.
Remember, just because I joke doesn't mean I disrespect.
I find a lot of things funny.
I do have a problem with people exploiting religion (organized religion) and the fundamentalist Mel Gibson (he's not bad at making movies though) is going to be laughing all the way with the bank with this one.
Even though I'm not christian I do get offended when they sell all kind of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST™ coffee mugs and THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST™ jewelery, I'm not saying that the movie is bad or anything but it does make the alarm bell go off.
It's like this movie is the new hit reality tv-show or something.
I just hope that no-one is going to base their faith on a Hollywood Mel Gibson movie instead of actual text and history the religion was founded on.
Remember that, I sure as hell (no pun intended) will while watching this movie (high).
Also, LOL@people getting in fistfights over a MOVIE.