Mr. ViNN707 said:
This shit is stupid, maby cats in San Diego are feeling our shit whats wrong with that? I'm tired of cats always complaining how the bay gets no love and all they do is bite us well maby if people out stoped talking shit about everywhere else maby they'd show us a little more love.
lol i love when cats really get mad about internet topics.
anywho, im just sayin. i noticed over the last 6 months i dont even hear the words i used to.
example of a coversation 6 months ago...
yo whats brackin with you? nigga im hella high right now. where the hoes at? im tryna party tonight, ya know?
that same conversation today...
what it do? man im thizzin right now. where the beezies at? im tryna party tonight yadadadagig?
THAT SHIET IS NASTY! i just dont think its necessary for a whole city to follow a trend to become noticed. just like i never followed the whole hurr thurr whurr talk, i dont follow the bay talk.