Why is Kobe a bitch?

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May 2, 2002
I dont like him for the exact reasons everyone else has stated.. all legitimate reasons too.

the purpose of this thread is beyond me though... I thought it was obvious why the guy isnt liked.

another huge reason that no one has mentioned: hes a cry baby. he wines ALL THE FUCKING TIME. If he officiated the games, there would be no fouls on him and every time someone comes within a foot of him, it'd be a foul. Dude cries more than a female.
Nov 7, 2006
I love kobe as a basketball player, i think hes greedy cause he got that much talent on his team anymore.

and a.i. isnt greedy anymore cause he has talent on his team, if u were to put kobe on the nuggets then it would be a different story.

i love kobe, ppl call me kobe but it isnt cause im good at basket ball (that was a joke)
May 9, 2002
PHX Sun said:
I dont like him for the exact reasons everyone else has stated.. all legitimate reasons too.

the purpose of this thread is beyond me though... I thought it was obvious why the guy isnt liked.

another huge reason that no one has mentioned: hes a cry baby. he wines ALL THE FUCKING TIME. If he officiated the games, there would be no fouls on him and every time someone comes within a foot of him, it'd be a foul. Dude cries more than a female.
ALOT of players whine. Matter of fact, they shold call it CBA, Crybaby Bastketball Association.

I was just wondering why people hate him SO passionatley, I find it funny. Anytime his name comes up, people start getting in line to bash him. I dont see that happening to any other player in the league.

Its whatever, im a psyche student so i like to see what makes people tick. Thanks, test tubes.
Apr 25, 2002
Whoever compared him to A-Rod has it right on, excellent example. They both come across as wanting to be liked so badly that they end up being fake.

He's an interesting little piece of Americana in that he spent his early childhood overseas and then once he came back to America settled in the very rich Philly suburbs. I think that's another reason why folks tend to dislike him a little bit, b/c he's kind of an exception to the typical NBA player who is a black man from the black community. That of course doesn't make him a bad person but it does make it harder for people to accept his fallacies b/c they can't relate to him.
Aug 11, 2006
man no one likes kobe because he is on the lakers.....either your a laker fan or you hate the shit out them......plain and simple.....maybe a few people who are not fans got respect but mostly everyone hates the lakers....kobe is the star of the team....so they initially hate him....when shaq was on the team....everyone hated shaq....
May 10, 2002
kobe is a bitch because he is a los angeles laker. period.

no laker, besides james worthy and magic johnson get my respect.
James Worthy was a cokehead ... oh wait, you're a Cowboys fan. Nevermind
May 10, 2002
As far as Kobe Bryant is concerned, I guess it's ok to not like somebody that you've never met and don't really know. I say that because of the inevitable Hitler references and the like that would follow if I said it wasn't cool to dislike someone you don't know or never met...

Somebody said it's childish for people to 'defend' Kobe Bryant in this thread. It's just as childish to judge someone strictly by the negativity that's reported about him. Especially a famous person cause you know that's all that's going to get reported.

No one ever mentions the good shit Kobe does, but ya know, that aint got shit to do with basketball, does it?


Sicc OG
Jun 9, 2005
MrPeete said:
As far as Kobe Bryant is concerned, I guess it's ok to not like somebody that you've never met and don't really know. I say that because of the inevitable Hitler references and the like that would follow if I said it wasn't cool to dislike someone you don't know or never met...

Somebody said it's childish for people to 'defend' Kobe Bryant in this thread. It's just as childish to judge someone strictly by the negativity that's reported about him. Especially a famous person cause you know that's all that's going to get reported.

No one ever mentions the good shit Kobe does, but ya know, that aint got shit to do with basketball, does it?
This is on point but too bad this post will be overlooked by fans from the Western Conference who have a geniune hatred for kobe.
May 9, 2002
MrPeete said:
As far as Kobe Bryant is concerned, I guess it's ok to not like somebody that you've never met and don't really know. I say that because of the inevitable Hitler references and the like that would follow if I said it wasn't cool to dislike someone you don't know or never met...

Somebody said it's childish for people to 'defend' Kobe Bryant in this thread. It's just as childish to judge someone strictly by the negativity that's reported about him. Especially a famous person cause you know that's all that's going to get reported.

No one ever mentions the good shit Kobe does, but ya know, that aint got shit to do with basketball, does it?
Right on. This is a well thought out answer. Good to see an actual explanation, Dion.

reza said:
This is on point but too bad this post will be overlooked by fans from the Western Conference who have a geniune hatred for kobe.
Aint that the truth.
May 10, 2002
45park1904 said:
The whole snitch thing where he tried to drop a dime on Shaq is a major reason allota people dont like him.
That aint got nothin to do with basketball though.

Maybe it's just me, but when I watch the Lakers, I watch to see Kobe Bryant put the ball in the basket not to see what his personality is like on that night.

Maybe I'm in the minority though :rolleyes:
Aug 12, 2002
I liked that "I hate him because he's a Laker" comment; shows EXACTLY the feelings of most people.
If Kobe was on the KINGS, he'd be the second coming of Jesus to some of you people, just like he is for the Laker fans.
Acting like jealous hoes who caught some bitch with their man...LOL!
Jun 13, 2002
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
I keep seeing people say this, or "fuck Kobe". Why? What is YOUR reason for "hating" someone YOU dont know personally? I can understand if he beat you up, fucked your GF, or killed your cat. What warrants YOUR hatred for Kobe?
I'm a Kings fan, need I say more? I can't deny how good of a player he is though.