Why I'm not voting for Romney

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Jan 31, 2008
all of these politicians that are ever given a platform are given the platform for a reason. And they are all guilty of bullshitting the people by omission. All of them. All of their ideas conform to the same flawed and outdated system we live by. Some come out against the status quo, and talk about the bankers n shit but never the real deep truth as to why we are in this shit-hole in the first place, or about the human potential of creating a complete new system from the ground up , never about the fact that we are enslaved and brainwashed by people who have ran shit for too many years, never about the fact the authority these 'leaders' have is not intrinsic and does not actually exist in reality, outside of the illusion they've conditioned into us from birth.

These very real points no one ever talks about in depth for a reason. Because they are not genuine leaders who want to change things.
I went to see ron paul when he came to this city and as much as i enjoyed his points, to me they were still on the surface making him seem to be nothing more than the guy that other fed up people like myself spend their resources on.
I remember all the donations that people put into that guy, imagine if the millions of dollars were put into something that allowed humans to regain their sovereignty, whatever it may be.
I'm not saying ron paul is a phoney, I like that the guy at least got people to start movements and enlightened people to issues they were ignorant of. But i believe he is , as well, guilty of not talking about the absolute human truth.

This is all a reality show and nothing more. The result of any fuckin presidential election has never been anything other than pushing us further towards enslavement while keeping us blind and dumb to the real issues by omission of the cold hard truth.

humanity is dumb, americans are dumb, we are all dumb, and most importantly, we have all been kept dumb and ignorant from birth. To be honest ive entertained the thought that maybe we are all just a bunch of human-animals , nothing more than a monkey who thinks it is special, and maybe we are being led by a bunch of monkeys still who are not intentionally keeping us dumb but they themselves dont know any better.

who knows, all I know is there is a burden of responsibility on those of us who can see through these things to create a real change in all of it.
We owe it to our children, our loved ones, and most of all , to ourselves.

who the fuck are these men who you are letting control your life and telling u what you can and cant do? They are no different from you. That is the bottom line.
We have sold our whole lives away because another man decided to herd us for the benefit of his own monkey instincts.
That is the cold hard truth.

I am just rambling on here , but here is my take on it.
Jun 21, 2005
its the banks...very interesting watch. I recommend it, if you got the time...Ron Paul makes a cameo..

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Sicc OG
Feb 24, 2003
im not voting cuz my vote ,ur vote,and anybody elses vote dosent even matter!..obama got into office and he started making decisions with democrats and republicans in the same room!...so then wtf ,why even vote then?!....fuck all that!...

if i was to vote this year,..i wouldnt vote for either one of these fuck o's.....if i was any smart american voting,i would simple just fill in the name ron paul on the ballot,..i know he dont have a chance and its a long shot but at least that way i will be showing them as an american citizen,that i dont approve of either one of these shitty crooked candidates that my government is trying to throw at me!..try again mutherfuckers!...

i say vote romney just to get obama out of office, and then just let mitt bury himself and maybe get his own ass impeached cuz the guy is a fuckin dump truck,plain and simple,..and if that happens,then we get other candidates to vote on and not either one of these bitches;not that anybody else would be that much better!..just wishful thinking!
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Aug 26, 2002
The thing i liked most about Romney after watching the debate was he seemed very pro-state government. Which makes sense because he is a governor. He basically said on the issue of health care and education that the state gov. should decide whats best for the people they govern which i totally agree with. Obama wants the federal government to control eveything. He would like to inact policy's without the say of state govenment which is the people who represent us.

Right now there is a amendment for my state of Colorado which legalizes marajuana for recreational use. Alot of people think it has a good chance to pass too. I will be voting yes! Do i think it matters if Obama or Romney is in office if that happens? Neither one of them will make it legal on the fedral books. Like i said though Romney is pro-state and doesn't seem to think the federal gov. should control your life which i like.

I've never voted, this will be my 1st year voting. I'm not a republican or a democrat but i know people who had jobs before Obama was in office and now struggle. Romney also thinks people should show proof you're trying to get a job to collect welfare which i agree with. I've worked my whole life and nobody ever gave me shit! But i still pay tax dollars for all these free loading muthafuckas who don't have any intention of getting a job and Obama doesn't give a shit.. I'm living a little below middle class and Obama ain't done shit for me. Shit at least Bush cut me a stimulus check. I could see how somebody who waits for checks from the government to make a living would like Obama. However the regular working man is gettin dicked!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

This is exactly what the problem is with Barack Obama and most of the hardcore Liberals!!

See Republicans take a lot of heat because they sign and pass bills that help their businesses or their spouses businesses financially. Or a friends private contracting company who builds pipe lines over seas (shit along those lines) Most of America knows that. But what most "civilian democrats" don't seem to understand is that these Liberal politicians you see on TV saying they care for the poor, sick, etc etc.......The programs they have setup or want to put into law, they have a hand in the cookie jar too!!!

People listen, The Federal Government should not control Schools and Health Care. It only sounds good coming off of Barack Obamas lips because he say's it in a way that makes you believe in him! Guess what! He will only be in office for 4 more years at most. Joe Biden ain't gonna be no President, so if the Federal Government holds the reins to Health Care and Schools, it will fluctuate like a motherfucker.

I voted Barack Obama 4 years ago. He had a hold of the Senate and could of done a lot in his first 2 years. He got the stimulus passed and that seemed to be it.

Immigration is a huge topic, which I was disappointed as to why they didn't discuss that last night.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I'm not familiar with all of his views, but most of what I've heard him say makes sense. He also seems like one of the few politicians who says what he believes and believes what he says. He will probably never be president tho
He's all talk like the rest of them breh. If he ever did win, which he won't, he'd fall right in line like the rest of the previous presidents have done as well.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
You guys are still falling for this whole right and left thing which is pretty sad. They all work together for a common goal and it's not to our, the average American's, benefit. It is the people which are divided by this and that's how it all works. I guess I could have been a lot more clear on that point, that's my bad. There is no two party system and hasn't been for a long time, hell, if ever. I'm far from a conspiracy theorist but it's not hard to see the front that is put on in the sake of making you feel like you have an option, even if it's a limited one.


Oct 25, 2011
You guys are still falling for this whole right and left thing which is pretty sad. They all work together for a common goal and it's not to our, the average American's, benefit. It is the people which are divided by this and that's how it all works. I guess I could have been a lot more clear on that point, that's my bad. There is no two party system and hasn't been for a long time, hell, if ever. I'm far from a conspiracy theorist but it's not hard to see the front that is put on in the sake of making you feel like you have an option, even if it's a limited one.
....beer me.


My fit cost a rack
Oct 22, 2003
You guys are still falling for this whole right and left thing which is pretty sad. They all work together for a common goal and it's not to our, the average American's, benefit. It is the people which are divided by this and that's how it all works. I guess I could have been a lot more clear on that point, that's my bad. There is no two party system and hasn't been for a long time, hell, if ever. I'm far from a conspiracy theorist but it's not hard to see the front that is put on in the sake of making you feel like you have an option, even if it's a limited one.
This is such a cop out stance. When you say "they all work together for a common goal" what would you say that is? And by "they" who are you talking about? Every politician is government? Federal, state, and local? If so, that's a pretty vast conspiracy.

Even still, you fail to recognize that a president can influence consumer and investor confidence which has a significant effect on market. Even if the accepted two party system is a front, most people still believe in it and a lot of them (particularly the wealthy) let it influence how they spend their money. This affects everyone.