I agree that Tech interacts with his fans more than any other artist. I went to meet Paul Wall at an instore signing about 3 weeks ago. It was not good. The line was not very long which was the only good thing about it. But i was kinda at the half mark in line so by the time I got up to see Paul Wall so many people had been going behind the table to take pics with him they would not let me behind the table to take a pic. He didnt sign the poster personally to me or hardly any other person I paid attenetion to that went up there, he only said hi signed his name you could only get one thing signed too then you were done. I met Tech N9ne 2 times instore and both time he greeted me with a hug, I got to take more than one pic with him, he signed a gang of shit for me last signing I was up at the counter for a good half hour getting all of the strange music artits pics and autographs. So enough about my long story just thought id share my experience's I will definatly go meet Tech N9ne everytime he does and instore in Denver. TECH N9NE !!!!!!!!!!
Thats Tech N999999nnnneeee... Dude is much luv to anyone he runs in to... Thats the difference between Tech and a lot of others... He's grateful for what he has, other cats are Hollywoooooooooooooooooood Swingin'...