Why do you believe in god?

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May 13, 2002
Is there rational reasons why you believe in god?

Is it Logical to believe in god?

This thread is mainly aimed at FoeTwin, but if you would like to join this debate, feel free to reply. However, if you are giong to get highly emotional, please dont reply.


Sicc OG
Jul 11, 2002
Why not? He represents all good things ya know! someone put us here. Now that I think about it- DAMN! I aint been to church in YEARZ! like 4-5 yrs. & thats maybe a wedding. O'boY! but I pray before I wake. A personal relationship is all ya need. God Bless! & if you dont belive in god. Believe in somethin positive. Realness


Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
I believe in God b/c I see amazing things all around me.

I heard that there is a part of the brain that is responsible for spirituality.


Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
Rational is in the eye of the beholder. Did U just ask the question to bash people's answers? If so that's irrational. Besides, faith is not something that can be explained w/ ration, b/c by its nature it goes against rational logic.
May 2, 2002
Can someone please explain how they came to the conclusion that there is a god? And how do you know what this god whats of you?

@ pitty, what do you mean it is the only thing to do? How about using facts to shape your beliefs? which in this case there are none. if there are facts that i am not aware of please shed some light on it for me.
Aug 6, 2002
@Dosia-Like I said it's the only thing to do, IN MY OPINION! If you don't share my beliefs then you don't, i'm not going to look down on you for that. Believe what you feel in your heart. If you don't believe in God then you don't. And about your facts that you wanted. I have faith and thats all I need.


Sicc OG
Jul 11, 2002
Some of us think were tuff shit & front like we aint here livin like everyone else, Like you immortal or some shit.

@Dosia- I couldnt tell you how they came to the conclusion. But if you take the chance to see what this "God" everyone talks about is all about. It wont steer you wrong homeboy. Its just about livin righteous. He forgives- There all signs dogg. If you wrecked your car today. & then next week a family member throws a couple G'z at you to help you out or twirk whatever they can twirk. Thats a work of god. Would you be greatful? Fa sheezy! whats negative about beliving in God? Thats the question. I like that though, your curious to know things. Your gonna be aight & a some will remain blind.


Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
Dosia, I hope that I can explain myself a little better to make U see how I came to my conclusion in God and his existance.

Let me begin by throwing this up here: belief or trust: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof.
That is the Encarta Dictionary definition of faith.

I came to the conclusion that there is a God by many different ways, and the more I think about it the harder it is to explain. For example every time I go to the ocean I KNOW w/out a shadow of a doubt that God must exists. Or the first time I went to the Met in NY, I KNEW that God was real, or even just looking at a flower. It is a feeling of something bigger, great, and deeper than my mere comprehension. It is a feeling that I can only call faith, and how we all arrive at that point is an individual journey, that can not be explained w/ ration.

I'm sure that didn't help at all. :classic: But I tried.
Jul 24, 2002
I dont believe in God, when i see 'em ill believe, until then i aint gonna believe it just cuz its in the bible, the bible is probably less then it clames to be, like villian said in another tread the bible is just a book, shit if i lived way back then when the bible was written i would of believed in god too, cuz i would of been a newbie to the world still tryin to figure out the place. But right now people have gottin alot smarter and they question shit, they look at there surrounding and look at others and figure it out on they own, u have more of a choice now then back then to believe.