I think people are to quick to label someone a racist, and I think it is haunting race relations in America. If you believe that the use of racial slurs means one is racist, then there is likely more racist humans then not, and thats from all races and creeds. I don't think that the use of such slurs constitutues a 'racist', rather a person ignorant of the damaging effects that such slurs have on our society. I have a little story to tell, and I want some feedback on it.
I have this friend (we were once good friends but he got into a lot of trouble) who we will call James. I have known this cat for many years, and I know him as good as anyone. He listens to nothing but rap music, hangs out with mostly black friends, and dates nothing but black women. The thing is, when he's around me and some other white friends of ours, he says "nigger this" and "nigger that". Now here's where it gets tricky. One day I asked him, "Do you think it's wrong to say the word nigger?" His entire answer was this, "Only if you mean it". I was puzzled at his response, and it took a while to understand what he meant. Now..
Would you say James is a racist person?
Would you say he is a white supremacist?
Would you say he is prejudice?
If you answered yes to any or all of the following, how can you explain his love for black people as he is befriending and loving (women) them? Now remember, he would hang out with his black friends before he would with his white friends. And his relationship did not extend to just smokin a blunt, but attending parties where he was one in a few hundred.