didnt have to pay bun b anythang, didnt have to pay wyclef,slim thug 8 ball, and im not paying shit for bun b video, and i would like to see someone try and get a whole album with the jacka for what i paid!!!!!!!!!!!i signed a three album contract a while ago with s and l management, they work with derrty ent, so all the big stuff u see me doing is being paid for, got a hundred thousand left for promotion and guest app, so hate hate hate, u will be seeing so much more, and i didnt want to post this, but cats think i am paying for this and that, trippin, its called a getting an independent deal, i own my own label and all rights to my music, just have to split profit 50 50 with investors, and thats why u see nothing but group albums from me, i cant release any solo albums unless its through them, SO PLEASE ALL HATERS READING THIS, THERE IS THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!! YOU DONT THINK I COULD RAP? DAMN I MUST CAME UP THEN CAUSE SHIT IS LOOKING GREAT FOR ME