cmon now yall, we all know the internet, we have all seen sum way more nasty shit than a fuckin he/she thing wit a fuckin aint gay cause you looked at a fuckin pic of a transvestite whatever the fuck..yall actin like seein a pic is gonna turn you gay or sum shit...get real...and chree ima beat your ass if you have that pic saved on your comp
The fact that people are so OUTRAGED by this is just downright funny.
Where was the thread calling out (insert Siccness member) when the pic of the lady in the tub squiring shit in her own mouth was posted? People seemed to be OK with that.
How about the 2girl1cup fiasco? No one got all up in arms about that and made a thread bashing the poster who linked it here.
And how about the countless beheadings that have been linked on here? Nothing.
Of course, a pic of a woman with a penis...and the whole fuckin internet is in jeopardy. I Talk about turning something so minscule into a fuckin panic attack.
"Oh no! Someone posted a chick with a dick! My eyes are burning and I am scarred for lilfe! Chree is obviusly a flaming queer for posting it!"
There are bigger tragedies in the world, folks...seriously.