Why are you in the military or thinking about joining?

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Sicc Triple OG
Apr 25, 2002
the reason i joined the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS...is because i had no other better thing to do besides sell dope and get my self into trouble...but since i've been in..i feel a lot different from how i felt before...i feel its my duty as an american to fight for what is right... men and women have died before me for less cause than what we are fighting for now...its actually a pretty deep topic...maybe you can get one of the old school cats to get on here and speak some game...
May 11, 2002
I tried joining the military because at the time I had no other option. I had to do something with my life and I felt the military was that path which I should take intrest in. I wanted to go to school and my parents wouldnt provide the money so the military seemed like a good route. Some of us do not get the comfort of being benifactors to our parents. Also my parents could give to shits and a piss about my future. So I wanted to becomes SOMEBODY in this world. I have found out that the military is not that path for me. Yet I respect those who dedicate their lives to protecting the country. They are the perfect example of what JFK said "don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

Some of us our born with silver spoons in our mouths. Others do not.
May 11, 2002
I didn't get in because I was 65% deaf in the right ear. Something which happend to me when I was born. I have no control of it. I didn't choose not to be able to hear out of my right ear. It just worked its way out like that....I would still be in the Marine Corps right now if I was able to join. I still would join if I could get in.

Would you join the Military 2-0 Sixx? what if you were to be drafted? Do you think you could handle military boot camp?
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA

I was in a USMC JROTC program for 3 years in HS. I graduated in 1991 and left for boot camp first week of December.

There are a multitude of reasons I joined and proly some I have since forgotten. Among the remembered are:

I was impressed with the organization and discipline
Training and free education past HS (G.I. Bill)
A chance to meet/see/expierence new people/places/cultures/religions
An opportunity to do something totally on my own (I was still a big "moma's boy" at that time)
Apr 25, 2002
i was thinkin about it cuz imma a hard headed youngsta and im fuckin up my life !!!!!!! but uuuhhhh i rather not get my good enough diploma and leave the world i know for some cracker whos gonna yell at my fat ass
Jun 14, 2002
im joinin next yr..becuz my grades arent good enough for college and the Military is wher i wanna go...i think its a good way to get away from down here and everythings paid for...its everything im lookin for right now...so thats y im GUNNA join
Nov 17, 2002
Why did I join the military?
your guess is as good as mine..............
On the real though. I really jumped into it without letting the idea soak in my mind. I finished Highschool then a a month and a half later I got a call from a recruiter. I was like, "naw I'm cool". But they wouldn't stop calling. Every damn day! LOL. Now, note that I had long hair before I joined. I mean middle of my bacc long! Most of the time I had it braided bacc in rows. So I wasn't the military type. They started talking to me the beginning of August. By the middle of August I was considering it. I was in the "delayed entry program (DEP)" for exactly a week and then I shipped out to boot camp on Aug. 31, 2000. I guess I joined because of the money and education. Now, when I got to illinois they told us that boot camp was full! (LOL) So for 5 days we stayed at a hotel. Some of you hardcore Christians aren't gonna like this, but I gained the nickname "Jesus". Mainly because I had very long hair and a beard. Trust it was a bitch once I got to boot camp. Only because when they cut my hair they did nothing about my beard! They supply everbody with a shitty razor that cuts up your face, regardless. I had to fucc up 2 razors to try and shave my face. I was cut up all over. Other than that boot camp was pretty easy. Its all about just doing what you're told and not bitchin.
Jun 2, 2002
I SIGNED up for the navy the day i turned 18, i would have joined earlier but i didn't have parents or relitives to sign the release forms, i had to just get away from everything that i thought was holding me back, i wanted to find a new path in life that i could start on a clean slate. i picked the navy cuz the uniforms i think are straight pimp'n, and also because i'm a nomad by blood i figured the navy would move me around the most.

when i first joined my entintions were to do my four and get the fuck out with my college money, but now with my job being as easy as hell, and clocking a sweet amount of cash w/out any bills to diviate cash from my savings acount, i'm thinking bout doing all the time they'll allow me...

and with damn near free college, i'm already halfway finished w/ a b.s. in business...i think i'm sounding like a recruiter, huh?
Nov 8, 2002
Because well the only good thing was I did learn a trade (Auto Body Repair) but the G.E.D program I had to take all over again in 1997 because they said that Job Corps program wasn't legit......