It's a gang of reasons we ain't poppin, and talent isn't one of em'. First off though, Ceza mentioned steppin' out of the San Diego City limit box, well first you have to at least accomplish a fan base in your own city. 98% of the niggaz that put albums out haven't, can't, and won't sell 1000 units in Dago!!!! That's a fact! You'd be surprised! So at least get a fanbase that's not just people you know cheerleadin' for you (and if anybody gets offended by that, then I'm talkin' to you). Every rapper in Dago knows who the other rappers in Dago are, but every rap fan hasn't ever heard of most of the Dago rappers! It's some real talented people in Dago that don't have a fanbase in Dago, and have put out albums that deserve it, but still can't push 1000. So it's a combination of their music not bein' as tight as their cheeleaders are tellin' them, and them not pushin' it. They just put it in Fam Bam, and it sells the first 2 or 3 weeks, and then they end up sellin' about 4 to 500 total units. Dago is big ya'll!! Push yo' shit!! So to sum this part up, you have to at least get a fanbase in your own city, before you can branch out like Ceza said. I don't think there's ever been an artist that has blown up, that didn't blow up in his own city first.
As far as really blowin' up, it's a lot of factors involved, and no sure way or concrete answers on how. Everybody has their own philosophy on what they think is right. As far as myself, I'm in it for the money. Makin' a good profit, budgeting your money, and having somethin' to show for it. So I'm about the money and then the fame, but some people are about the fame and then the money. So figure out what is more important to you, and choose your route on how to get there. Because it's a gang of tight rappers, and it's the listeners preference on who they think is tighter, so just being tight is not the answer.
Now one thing Dago has against us, is that most people out of our City, and almost all people out of our state don't see Dago as a gangsta city, or ghetto. They think Dago is soft. Believe me I know, I've been locced up with a gang of niggaz from other states and I had to let them know, but the overall view of Dago is that it's not gangsta, and that makes it harder for us to blow, because the rest of the country won't take you serious as a gangsta rapper, or just an mc, if the city you're from is not known for that. It's individual rappers that have respect from our city, but not the city as a whole. And to be real, LA doesn't really respect us. We're luccy right now, cuz our few rappers that are a LITTLE known do have street credibility. So if niggaz do blow, that might paint a different picture of Dago. And right now the West Coast as a whole ain't poppin', and if the West ain't poppin' that slims Dago chances, cuz Dre or any other major that are lookin' to put the West bac on the map they ain't gon' look at Dago. They're gonna look for artists that are from the areas that are already established like the Bay and LA. So we need the West to blow before Dago gets its chance. Unless you know somebody, cuz connections and networking is everything in this game.
I know I wrote a book about this thread, but I can do that. People listen when I speak (even the haters), cuz they know I spit the real.
And even though I hear what Ceza is sayin' I don't advise you to put, or spend a lot of money on tryin' to blow up, cuz you'll take a loss, but if you're in it just for the fame, and then hopefully the money later, then get your spend on. But that goes bac to what I said earlier. Choose the route you wanna go, and then do what you have to do to TRY and get there. I don't have the answers, cuz if I told you to go the money route like me, your shit might not be tight enough to do that, and you might not have the determination, and hustle. So I can't give you an answer for either way. We're definitely in a better position than we were 5 or 6 years ago. At least we have the underground listenin' to us. I'ma end this now. Take somethin' out of all this shit I wrote and let it motivate you, because it made you mad, or you decided which route to take. 1
Oh yeah, that Mobstaz shit is finna shit on niggaz, and listen up for my solo song on the New West 2 called "Don't get it fucked up". I'm gonna reveal, and say some shit that's gonna hurt niggaz feelings, and I ain't dissin' nobody on it. Just tellin' the truth like always. Keep grindin' Dago!!!!
C.S. Heat