I Robotripped the other night. I never enjoy it but I do it anyhow because I'm a fuckin' crazy addict. Anyhow the feeling of being so disassociated with people is awful. It's like they're talking to me and I just don't give a shit what they're saying, and even if I try to pay attention, by the time they're done my mind is already on the subject of how I don't know what they're talking about, and don't care either...
I strongly suggest to all the females out there that you NEVER trip on DXM. That shit makes you so vulnerable to ANYTHING anyone wants to do to you it's silly. You're nothing but a deer in headlights for like 6 hours straight and that's a hell of a lot of headlight starin' if ya know what I mean. If you wanna get fucked up and make bad decisions, that's one thing. But gettin' fucked up and having decisions made for you is another... Be safe.
And if you're a guy and you Robotrip, be prepared to have people make fun of you for being so stupid (stupid = cute for girls), having huge fucked up eyes, and probably being scammed by your own friends for some weed money...
Shit's fun but way too dangerous and unsatisfying.