yeah, he had some really good movies, and he wasn't some corny ass mutha fucka like will smith STILL is....pac actually was in movies with a message and a real life plot....will smith has like one of those movies on his resume...
LOL...i was talking about the new one where he's plays the homeless dude with the kid...i dont even know what that shit is called....
on a side note, the end of MIB2 was touching, when Will fell in love with that alien bitch and cried like a vagina at the end cause he didn't do that memory fucker upper
i just saw derailed, and xzibit was fucking horrible...i see him and think xzibit, he needs better character development. rza was better tho, he seemed half way normal and not retarded.
1.Artist that has the best chance at winning an Oscar Will Smith.
2.Pop/Rapper - Mark Wahlberg
3.Queen Latifah has great actin skills she did the damn thang on Chicago.
3.Ice Cube to me is neck n neck with Latifah, Its a breath of fresh air that one of the most notorious gangsta rappers could play father roles for childrens movies. Cube is the most successful Director/Producer/Writer
5.Busta Rhymes was brilliant in Shaft he fits into any of the roles he gets scripted in....