Mr. ViNN707 said:
I can really give a fuck, the truth about it is San Diego is not on the nation map and to take it a further step SD rap hardly make's it past Bakersfield if you think about it. Nobody up here bump's the rapper's you mentioned at least Ive never heard any body talking about those album's
But I'm not here to argue with anybody on WHO they like, but it's really a god dam shame that we're doing to each other what the East Coast is doin' to the West Coast. It's all Cali on mine, but 619 all the time. The thing about Dago is, is that we have bumped everybody, the Bay, LA, and even New York. We love the Bay out here. I fucs with the Bay. Have you heard my song "Federal Niggaz" with Mac Dre, or "Killa Spits" with Lynch. We got love for the north. And as I was makin' this post I just peeped freestyle friday and 106 and Park. A homey from Long Beach won against the East Coast nigga, and you could hear some boo's in the audience. Fuc this bullshit ya'll, I want anyone to blow from Cali. I want to be proud of someone who lived the life I lived, talk like I talk, fuc with the baddest bitches in the U.S.(Cali breezys) But to sum up my 4 cents, to each is own, bump who you wanna bump, but don't have closed ears just cuz someone ain't from your area. 1
C.S. Heat