Who's been to the ER?

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I went to the ER the other day for heart problems, and then I realized I've had my fair share of injuries.

I got stitches in my chin when I was little. My brother put shampoo all over the bathroom stall and told me I was Spider-Man and I could climb walls. So without thinking I just jumped onto the shower tub and slide right the fuck off and went to the ER.

I went again when I was 4 cuz I shattered my femur at a playground and had to get in a bodycast and learn to walk all over again.

I got stitches in my chin again in a bike accident. I was on a halfpipe and I started falling back. I did like a half backflip and ended up coming down real hard on some plywood.

I got stitches on my ass from the first and only time I ever skateboarded. I'll leave it at that. The next day I walked out in my yard with an axe and chopped that thing up to shreds.

I dislocated my shoulder my senior year of football during a tackling drill.

I fucked my knees up in a car accident.

I dunno...just wonder what kind of injuries or ER visits you guys have had?
Jun 27, 2002
stealth what kinda heart problems?...or was it an anxiety attack?

lets see..

got jumped/robbed at 13...woke up in ER
broken wrist (anger) ER
fist through a window/ stitches
got bit by a drunk mexican in a fight / ER
Heart Attack/drug overdose/anxiety attack...ER but walked out
Aug 20, 2003
2 stham attacks

asthma attack helped by bronchitis

anxiety attack

car crash, fucked up my leg and knee

burned skin of my leg with hot ass soup when i was little

dislocated my leg when i was little trying to show off by jumping off the tall slide at dolores park

my ball sack got ripped open when i fell on a fence and i almost lost a testicle got stitches on my balls also near dolores park
Jun 22, 2003
ive had stitches on my hands my forehead and on my left eyebrow.....all that shit happened when i was young.....and then when i got older......
got jumped by hella fuckers 10 staples on the top of my dome 5 stitches each under both eyebrows right on top of my eyelids,broke both of my orbital bones...this happened may of last year....in december got popped in the chest...bullet is still in me to this day....and i n january...got rushed by three muh fuckas hit me with a plumbing pipe right across my temple about six times the last time he hit me the pipe broke and sliced my shit...that shit took 14 staples to close...keep ya'll updated if anything else pops off


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
mustynutz said:
stealth what kinda heart problems?...or was it an anxiety attack?
Well, I was at work at about 12:30, not stressed out or anything, just kinda sittin there. I was probably on the Siccness actually and all of the sudden I just had this crazy squeezing pain on the left side of my chest. Right where my heart is. It stayed for like 15 minutes. It was one of the worst pains of my entire life. When I was done I just left my office and walked across the street to the hospital.

The doctors gave me an EKG and said that they didn't think it was a heart attack and maybe it was musculoskeletal. All I know is that I'm in pretty good shape but I was doing coke the weekend before that, and that was the first day I wasn't on anything.

So I dont think it was anxiety, but I also dont' think it was musculoskeletal. I'm guessing it was just drugs. I'm not sure though...ever since then I keep 'convincing' myself I'm having chest pains. Its like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Jun 27, 2002
^^ you sound like i did man....sam exact shit...ekg was negative but i swore i was having an attack...it could be nerves, anxiety, stress, back problems or just the weed man...

any depression goin on? anxiety?
Dec 9, 2005
I'm in an ER most of the week...

But as a patient...

I was riding around on the GSX-R on a nice summer day...and like the genius I am...I was wearing shorts...pulled up to a stop sign...got off balance...had to bring my right leg back to support the weight of the bike...and as the bike is leaning over...the exhaust pipe meets my right calf for a good 15 seconds, because I didn't want to drop the whole bike on my leg a possibly snap it in half, I had to hold it there...

Now I have a 2nd degree burn scar the size of a baseball on my right calf...its cool though...I tell everyone I was shot in the leg while making my escape from prison.
Apr 25, 2002
a taxi hit me on a bicycle a couple years ago. all his fuccing fault. i walked away from the accident but went to the er to check out the pain and to get it on medical record.
when i went to get the police report the fuccin pigs did not document what occured, just that an accident happened. lost my bike and never saw a cent for it.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
mustynutz said:
^^ you sound like i did man....sam exact shit...ekg was negative but i swore i was having an attack...it could be nerves, anxiety, stress, back problems or just the weed man...

any depression goin on? anxiety?
I dunno, the more i think about it I think it was probably just the drugs. I use to have a lot of anxiety/depression when I was younger, but this last year has been the best year of my life. I've been in a good mood for a long time and I haven't had any serious life issues going on or anything. At the time that it happened I was feelin great. So I really dont think it was any kind of psychological cause. I'm really not sure though. The doctors didnt think it was as serious as I did.

My family has a long history of heart problems though. All 4 of my grandparents smoked and died before age 60. And I smoke now. So that probably has a lot to do with it. Genetics and personal bad habits.
Oct 3, 2005
I got hit in the eye with a baseball when I was younger. And I got my ear lobe about rippped off by a fence. Had to get it stiched up. And I suffer from anxiety attacks, I have had all kinds of heart test done. I've had a couple EKGs, a ECHO, anerysum ultrasound, ASI test. All types of shit. Everything came back good. I use to do alot of drugs, but found out that they were just kicking my anxiety up. So i quit everything
Jun 5, 2004
just went to the er for alcahol poisioning last saturday. plus one other drunken accident.

but ive been a few times:

athsma attack when i was a kid

fucked around playing backyard, broke my ankle

hit my nuts somehow and lefty got all swoll up (ok now)

another sports accident, broken toe

got jumped by scraps, broken nose and thumb

accidental headbutt to the nose soon after surgery, passed out and hit head on the ground, turned yellow.

cut my thumb open when i got my first pocket knife, moms freaked out(wasnt too bad)

cut my toe open on a rusty pool light, dad freaked out
Jun 5, 2004
DJ Mark 7 said:
Where'd u end up? Memorial, Sutter or Kaiser
WOW, to be honest, i dont even remember, and nobody told me. im guessing memorial. the paramedics had to nock the screen off and lift me through my window cuz i was like dead weight and they couldnt manuever through my house.
Dec 17, 2004
Stealth said:
Well, I was at work at about 12:30, not stressed out or anything, just kinda sittin there. I was probably on the Siccness actually and all of the sudden I just had this crazy squeezing pain on the left side of my chest. Right where my heart is. It stayed for like 15 minutes. It was one of the worst pains of my entire life. When I was done I just left my office and walked across the street to the hospital.

The doctors gave me an EKG and said that they didn't think it was a heart attack and maybe it was musculoskeletal. All I know is that I'm in pretty good shape but I was doing coke the weekend before that, and that was the first day I wasn't on anything.

So I dont think it was anxiety, but I also dont' think it was musculoskeletal. I'm guessing it was just drugs. I'm not sure though...ever since then I keep 'convincing' myself I'm having chest pains. Its like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
ive been to the er twice cause of chest pains...but that self fulfilling prophecy shit is true. for the past couple years ive been giving myself anxiety cause i swear i have chest pains and am gonna have a heart attack. im almost positive its all in my head, i just dont know how to get rid of that shit. after two times of going to the er and them telling me theres nothing wrong with my heart, now when i start getting the chest pains/anxiety i just deal with it and try to ignore it. everyones case is different, but i think mine is a hypocondriach type problem...i hear of youngsters having heart attacks and thatll fuck with me days later making me think im next. i have no depression problem, just anxiety, so ive cut down weed big time, and ive been considering hypnosis