MrFedEx503 said:
What did Pac do?. Man if you gotta ask that question You have No clue about Hip-hop in my mind, I mean the dude sold 31+ million alright does that not say how he affected people? Thats not amazing? lyrics he wrote back in the day that were issues back then and can still hold meaning to this day about whats goin on. Damn dude ur sorry All his shit was fucking Politcal? Hit em Up' was really politcal. aint hard to find thats poltical right? i mean dude if u want me to name songs the he rapped like gangsta shit i can list em for you.
Haha....Man...did you even read all of my post?...Didn't you notice this:
Gangsta shit: Cube, Dre, Snoop, Ice-T, Spice-1 etc