^^^^ every1 waNt$ to CLAIM that they $wear DYNO u$ed to be a $Krap or that he rapped with $Krapz, if $o, where$ the PROOF?? $how u$ a TAPE/CD/ VIDEO etc.... No proof, $o what vato $ay$ e$e, holme$, chale, it$ $laNg older foo$ u$ed, ye$ $ome vete$ $till talk that way (my homeboy$ jefito$ do till thi$ day) aNyway, DYNO oNly rapped witha lyiNg a$$ $Krap 1 txme ( ToNe CAPONE of LatiNo Jam), wheN they collabed iN 99 CAPONE wa$ a quote oN quote " BROWN PRIDER" , foo got FAME off DRF, left back to TEXA$ N $tarted baNgiNg $ewer, foo made a weak a$$ DRF DI$$ where he be talkiNg $hit about DYNO N calliNg DRF movie $tar$ N $o oN, truth i$, without DYNO CAPONE would have Never got heard, plaiN N $imple, aNy1 caN RAP N COLLAB with $ome1 who iN the FUTURE might turN LEVA N $oil your reputatioN they way DYNO'$ wa$, i am clo$e with Dave'$ frieNd$ N be$t homiez $o i kNow what im talkiNg about, jU$t puttiNg it out there 4 tho$e who be heariNg N $preadiNg rumor$....