@ Mr Bullet & Whoever this Concerns
No disrespect taken homie. I'm a nigga thats really like I DON'T GIVE A FUCC. On everythang! I deal wit' shit as it comes to me. The police, feds, marshalls, and or any law enforcment officials will ever stop me from doin' what the fucc I wanna do when I wanna do it. I will never conform to the laws that they set like the good lil' "nigger" that they want us to be. Jails ain't made to change niggas, they make them mutha-fuccas to scare niggas away from being who and what the fucc they wanna be. I can't speak for nobody but me my nigga and on some real shit mutha-fuccas need to realize that there ain't no livin' on both sides of the fence. You either on one side or the other. Me, I'm on the side that really ain't got much to do but what the fucc I want when I want.
And for anybody that has intentions on replying to this post, keep in mind that although I'm sittin' hear givin' ya'll the input on Me, and speakin' on behalf of West Coast Mafia as an artist, I am not a rapper just because I rap. I do it because I can and I want other niggas out there just like me, that share my same views about life and it's fake ass man-made laws to know that there is a nigga just like them speakin' about it.
Remember: I'm NOT a rapper that gang-bangs, I'm a GANG-BANGER that just happens to rap. This rap shit, I do it for the niggas on the siccness.net that don't have the chance to say what they want to say to hundreds of thousands of people. I'm the voice of the fans of this music, and if I don't keep it 100 at all times I wouldn't want ya'll to even fucc wit my music. Real Riders understand what Riders do. 100