Who Know About The Protocols Of Zion?

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Aug 5, 2004
18. The one and only person who will have no interest in robbing the State is its
owner, the ruler. This is why his personal control will remove the possibility of
leakages of extravagances.
19. The representative function of the ruler at receptions for the sake of etiquette,
which absorbs so much invaluable time, will be abolished in order that the ruler may
have time for control and consideration. His power will not then be split up into
fractional parts among time-serving favorites who surround the throne for its pomp
and splendor, and are interested only in their own and not in the common interests of
the State.
20. Economic crises have been producer by us for the GOYIM by no other means
than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals have stagnated,
withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same
stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the
payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capitals .... The
concentration of industry in the hands of capitalists out of the hands of small masters
has drained away all the juices of the peoples and with them also the States ....
21. The present issue of money in general does not correspond with the
requirements per head, and cannot therefore satisfy all the needs of the workers. The
issue of money ought to correspond with the growth of population and thereby
children also must absolutely be reckoned as consumers of currency from the day of
their birth. The revision of issue is a material question for the whole world.
23. With us the standard that must be introduced is the cost of working-man
power, whether it be reckoned in paper or in wood. We shall make the issue of money
in accordance with the normal requirements of each subject, adding to the quantity
with every birth and subtracting with every death.
24. The accounts will be managed by each department (the French administrative
division), each circle.
25. In order that there may be no delays in the paying our of money for State
needs the sums and terms of such payments will be fixed by decree of the ruler; this
will do away with the protection by a ministry of one institution to the detriment of
26. The budgets of income and expenditure will be carried out side by side that
they may not be obscured by distance one to another.
27. The reforms projected by us in the financial institutions and principles of the
GOYIM will be clothed by us in such forms as will alarm nobody. We shall point out the
necessity of reforms in consequence of the disorderly darkness into which the GOYIM
by their irregularities have plunged the finances. The first irregularity, as we shall point out, consists in their beginning with drawing up a single budget which year after
year grows owing to the following cause: this budget is dragged out to half the year,
then they demand a budget to put things right, and this they expend in three months,
after which they ask for a supplementary budget, and all this ends with a liquidation
budget. But, as the budget of the following year is drawn up in accordance with the
sum of the total addition, the annual departure from the normal reaches as much as
50 per cent in a year, and so the annual budget is trebled in ten years. Thanks to such
methods, allowed by the carelessness of the GOY States, their treasuries are empty.
The period of loans supervenes, and that has swallowed up remainders and brought all
the GOY States to bankruptcy.
28. You understand perfectly that economic arrangements of this kind, which have
been suggested to the GOYIM by us, cannot be carried on by us.
29. Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of understanding of
the rights of the State. Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers,
who, instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with
outstretched palm of our bankers. Foreign loans are leeches which there is no
possibility of removing from the body of the State until they fall off of themselves or
the State flings them off. But the GOY States do not tear them off; they go on in
persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish,
drained by voluntary blood-letting.
30. What also indeed is, in substance, a loan, especially a foreign loan? A loan is -
an issue of government bills of exchange containing a percentage obligation
commensurate to the sum of the loan capital. If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent,
then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan
borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty - treble, and all the while
the debt remains an unpaid debt.
31. From this calculation it is obvious that with any form of taxation per head the
State is baling out the last coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts
with wealth foreigners, from whom it has borrowed money instead of collecting these
coppers for its own needs without the additional interest.
32. So long as loans were internal the GOYIM only shuffled their money from the
pockets of the poor to those of the rich, but when we bought up the necessary person
in order to transfer loans into the external sphere, all the wealth of States flowed into
our cash- boxes and all the GOYIM began to pay us the tribute of subjects.
33. If the superficiality of GOY kings on their thrones in regard to State affairs and
the venality of ministers or the want of understanding of financial matters on the part
of other ruling persons have made their countries debtors to our treasuries to amounts
quite impossible to pay it has not been accomplished without, on our part, heavy
expenditure of trouble and money.
34. Stagnation of money will not be allowed by us and therefore there will be no
State interest-bearing paper, except a one per- cent series, so that there will be no
payment of interest to leeches that suck all the strength out of the State. The right to
issue interest-bearing paper will be given exclusively to industrial companies who will
find no difficulty in paying interest out of profits, whereas the State does not make interest on borrowed money like these companies, for the State borrows to spend and
not to use in operations.
35. Industrial papers will be bought also by the government which from being as
now a paper of tribute by loan operations will be transformed into a lender of money
at a profit. This measure will stop the stagnation of money, parasitic profits and
idleness, all of which were useful for us among the GOYIM so long as they were
independent but are not desirable under our rule.
36. How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the
GOYIM, as expressed in the fact that they have been borrowing from us with payment
of interest without ever thinking that all the same these very moneys plus an addition
for payment of interest must be got by them from their own State pockets in order to
settle up with us. What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted
from their own people?
37. But it is a proof of the genius of our chosen mind that we have contrived to
present the matter of loans to them in such a light that they have even seen in them
an advantage for themselves.
38. Our accounts, which we shall present when the time comes, in the light of
centuries of experience gained by experiments made by us on the GOY States, will be
distinguished by clearness and definiteness and will show at a glance to all men the
advantage of our innovations. They will put an end to those abuses to which we owe
our mastery over the GOYIM, but which cannot be allowed in our kingdom.
39. We shall so hedge about our system of accounting that neither the ruler nor the
most insignificant public servant will be in a position to divert even the smallest sum
from its destination without detection or to direct it in another direction except that
which will be once fixed in a definite plan of action.
40. And without a definite plan it is impossible to rule. Marching along an
undetermined road and with undetermined resources brings to ruin by the way heroes
and demigods.
41. The GOY rulers, whom we once upon a time advised should be distracted from
State occupations by representative receptions, observances of etiquette,
entertainments, were only screens for our rule. The accounts of favorite courtiers who
replaced them in the sphere of affairs were drawn up for them by our agents, and
every time gave satisfaction to short-sighted minds by promises that in the future
economics and improvements were foreseen .... Economics from what? From new
taxes? - were questions that might have been but were not asked by those who read
our accounts and projects.
42. You know to what they have been brought by this carelessness, to what pitch of
financial disorder they have arrived, notwithstanding the astonishing industry of their PROTOCOL No. 21
1. To what I reported to you at the last meeting I shall now add a detailed
explanation of internal loans. Of foreign loans I shall say nothing more, because they
have fed us with national moneys of the GOYIM, but for our State there will be no
foreigners, that is, nothing external.
2. We have taken advantage of the venality of administrators and slackness of
rulers to get our moneys twice, thrice and more times over, by lending to the GOY
governments moneys which were not at all needed by the States. Could anyone do the
like in regard to us? .... Therefore, I shall only deal with the details of internal loans.
3. States announce that such a loan is to be concluded and open subscriptions for
their own bills of exchange, that is, for their interest-bearing paper. That they may be
within the reach of all the price is determined at from a hundred to a thousand; and a
discount is made for the earliest subscribers. Next day by artificial means the price of
them goes up, the alleged reason being that everyone is rushing to buy them. In a few
days the treasury safes are as they say overflowing and there's more money than they
can do with. The subscription, it is alleged, covers many times over the issue total of
the loan; in this lies the whole stage effect - look you, they say, what confidence is
shown in the government's bills of exchange.
4. But when the comedy is played out there emerges the fact that a debit and an
exceedingly burdensome debit has been created. For the payment of interest it
becomes necessary to have recourse to new loans, which do not swallow up but only
add to the capital debt. And when this credit is exhausted it becomes necessary by
new taxes to cover, not the loan, BUT ONLY THE INTEREST ON IT. These taxes are a
debit employed to cover a debit ....
5. Later comes the time for conversions, but they diminish the payment of interest
without covering the debt, and besides they cannot be made without the consent of
the lenders; on announcing a conversion a proposal is made to return the money to
those who are not willing to convert their paper. If everybody expressed his
unwillingness and demanded his money back, the government would be hooked on
their own files and would be found insolvent and unable to pay the proposed sums. By
good luck the subjects of the GOY governments, knowing nothing about financial
affairs, have always preferred losses on exchange and diminution of interest to the
risk of new investments of their moneys, and have thereby many a time enabled these
governments to throw off their shoulders a debit of several millions.
6. Nowadays, with external loans, these tricks cannot be played by the GOYIM for
they know that we shall demand all our moneys back.
7. In this way in acknowledged bankruptcy will best prove to the various countries
the absence of any means between the interest of the peoples and of those who rule
8. I beg you to concentrate your particular attention upon this point and upon the
following: nowadays all internal loans are consolidated by so-called flying loans, that
is, such as have terms of payment more or less near. These debts consist of moneys
paid into the savings banks and reserve funds. If left for long at the disposition of a
government these funds evaporate in the payment of interest on foreign loans, and
are placed by the deposit of equivalent amount of RENTS.
Aug 5, 2004
9. And these last it is which patch up all the leaks in the State treasuries of the
10. When we ascend the throne of the world all these financial and similar shifts, as
being not in accord with our interests, will be swept away so as not to leave a trace,
as also will be destroyed all money markets, since we shall not allow the prestige of
our power to be shaken by fluctuations of prices set upon our values, which we shall
announce by law at the price which represents their full worth without any possibility
of lowering or raising. (Raising gives the pretext for lowering, which indeed was where
we made a beginning in relation to the values of the GOYIM.)
11. We shall replace the money markets by grandiose government credit
institutions, the object of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in
accordance with government views. These institutions will be in a position to fling
upon the market five hundred millions of industrial paper in one day, or to buy up for
the same amount. In this way all industrial undertakings will come into dependence
upon us. You may imagine for yourselves what immense power we shall thereby
secure for ourselves.

1. In all that has so far been reported by me to you, I have endeavored to depict
with care the secret of what is coming, of what is past, and of what is going on now,
rushing into the flood of the great events coming already in the near future, the secret
of our relations to the GOYIM and of financial operations. On this subject there
remains still a little for me to add.
3. Surely there is no need to seek further proof that our rule is predestined by God?
Surely we shall not fail with such wealth to prove that all that evil which for so many
centuries we have had to commit has served at the end of ends the cause of true wellbeing
- the bringing of everything into order? Though it be even by the exercise of
some violence, yet all the same it will be established. We shall contrive to prove that
we are benefactors who have restored to the rent and mangled earth the true good
and also freedom of the person, and therewith we shall enable it to be enjoyed in
peace and quiet, with proper dignity of relations, on the condition, of course, of strict
observance of the laws established by us. We shall make plain therewith that freedom
does not consist in dissipation and in the right of unbridled license any more than the
dignity and force of a man do not consist in the right of everyone to promulgate
destructive principles in the nature of freedom of conscience, equality and a like, that
freedom of the person in no wise consists in the right to agitate oneself and others by
abominable speeches before disorderly mobs, and that true freedom consists in the
inviolability of the person who honorably and strictly observes all the laws of life in
common, that human dignity is wrapped up in consciousness of the rights and also of
the absence of rights of each, and not wholly and solely in fantastic imaginings about
the subject of one's EGO.

4. One authority will be glorious because it will be all-powerful, will rule and guide,
and not muddle along after leaders and orators shrieking themselves hoarse with
senseless words which they call great principles and which are noting else, to speak
honestly, but utopian .... Our authority will be the crown of order, and in that is
included the whole happiness of man. The aureole of this authority will inspire a
mystical bowing of the knee before it and a reverent fear before it of all the peoples.
True force makes no terms with any right, not even with that of God: none dare come
near to it so as to take so much as a span from it away.
Aug 5, 2004
1. That the peoples may become accustomed to obedience it is necessary to
inculcate lessons of humility and therefore to reduce the production of articles of
luxury. By this we shall improve morals which have been debased by emulation in the
sphere of luxury. We shall reestablish small master production which will mean laying
a mine under the private capital of manufactures. This is indispensable also for the
reason that manufacturers on the grand scale often move, though not always
consciously, the thoughts of the masses in directions against the government. A
people of small masters knows nothing of unemployment and this binds him closely
with existing order, and consequently with the firmness of authority. For us its part
will have been played out the moment authority is transferred into our hands.
Drunkenness also will be prohibited by law and punishable as a crime against
humanness of man who is turned into a brute under the influence of alcohol.
2. Subjects, I repeat once more, give blind obedience only to the strong hand which
is absolutely independent of them, for in it they feel the sword of defense and support
against social scourges .... What do they want with an angelic spirit in a king? What
they have to see in him is the personification of force and power.
3. The supreme lord who will replace all now existing ruler, dragging in their
existence among societies demoralized by us, societies that have denied even the
authority of God, from whose midst breads out on all sides the fire of anarchy, must
first of all proceed to quench this all-devouring flame. Therefore he will be obliged to
kill off those existing societies, though he should drench them with his own blood, that
he may resurrect them again in the form of regularly organized troops fighting
consciously with every kind of infection that may cover the body of the State with
4. This Chosen One of God is chosen from above to demolish the senseless forces
moved by instinct and not reason, by brutishness and humanness. These forces now
triumph in manifestations of robbery and every kind of violence under the mask of
principles of freedom and every kind of violence under the mask of principles of
freedom and rights. They have overthrown all forms of social order to erect on the
ruins of the throne of the King of the Jews; but their part will be played out the
moment he enters into his kingdom. Then it will be necessary to sweep them away
from his path, on which must be left no knot, no splinter.
5. Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: Give thanks to God and bow the knee before him who bears on his front the seal of the predestination
of man, to which God himself has led his star that none other but Him might free us
from all the before-mentioned forces and evils.
Aug 5, 2004
1. I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the
last strata of the earth.
2. This confirmation will first and foremost be included in that which to this day has
rested the force of conservatism by our learned elders of the conduct of the affairs of
the world, in the directing of the education of thought of all humanity.
3. Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and their heirs,
selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them into the
most secret mysteries of the political, into schemes of government, but providing
always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of
action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have
not been inducted into the secret places of its art ....
4. To these persons only will be taught the practical application of the aforenamed
plans by comparison of the experiences of many centuries, all the observations on the
politico-economic moves and social sciences - in a word, all the spirit of laws which
have been unshakably established by nature herself for the regulation of the relations
of humanity.
5. Direct heirs will often be set aside from ascending the throne if in their time of
training they exhibit frivolity, softness and other qualities that are the ruin of
authority, which render them incapable of governing and in themselves dangerous for
kingly office.
6. Only those who are unconditionally capable for firm, even if it be to cruelty,
direct rule will receive the reins of rule from our learned elders.
7. In case of falling sick with weakness of will or other form of incapacity. kings
must by law hand over the reins of rule to new and capable hands.
8. The king's plan of action for the current moment, and all the more so for the
future, will be unknown, even to those who are called his closest counselors.
9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.
10. In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of himself and of
humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mysterious ways. None will know what
the king wishes to attain by his dispositions, and therefore none will dare to stand across an unknown path.
11. It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must correspond in capacity
to the plan of government it has to contain. It is for this reason that he will ascend the
throne not otherwise than after examination of his mind by the aforesaid learned
12. That the people may know and love their king, it is indispensable for him to
converse in the market-places with his people. This ensures the necessary clinching of
the two forces which are now divided one from another by us by the terror.
13. This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for both these forces
separately to fall under our influence.
14. The king of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions, and especially of
sensuality: on no side of his character must he give brute instincts power over his
mind. Sensuality worse than all else disorganizes the capacities of the mind and
clearness of views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of
human activity.
15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the
holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations.
16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable.
May 13, 2002
This some bullshit. Racist Henry Ford used to include a copy in every Ford car sold in amerika.

Others and myself have touched on this shit before:

What do Islamic Fundamentalist, Neo-Nazi's/Hitler's Nazi's, the NOI & other fanatic wacko's and nut case's have in common...

If you answered 'The Protocols of the Elder's of Zion' you are correct...

If you don't know about this subject here's a good intro


In 1920, Americans found a version in the glove box of their new Ford automobiles. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia distributed copies to guests, including U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. It ignited pogroms in Russia and helped inspire mass murder in Germany. "If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred it is this one," Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel has written.

Even so, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—a notorious forgery debunked repeatedly throughout the West—continues today to nourish anti-Semitism and to poison relations between peoples.

An exhibition at The United States Holocaust Museum, entitled A Dangerous Lie: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, explores the history and continuing impact the modern era's most widely distributed piece of anti-Semitic propaganda.


The Protocols purports to be the minutes from a meeting of the "Elders of Zion," a group of Jewish leaders conspiring to establish world domination. It was instead an 1890s forgery produced by the Russian Tsarist secret police. The Elders never existed and their supposed weapons—"'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity'… Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzche-ism"—were shorthand for elements of modernity that left many people disoriented and embittered.

Exhibit curator Daniel Greene attributed The Protocols' success to its adroit manipulation of existing anti-Semitic myths. For those who already believed that Jews controlled the gold market, commanded mass media and entertainment and secretly manipulated nations into war, it was a short step to blaming a Jewish cabal for one's hardships. For the tsarist regime, The Protocols afforded an irresistible opportunity to deflect popular discontent away from the Russian government to a despised Jewish minority.

After the 1919 Bolshevik Revolution, The Protocols spread through much of the world. Automobile magnate Henry Ford was for a time its leading American champion. His newspaper, The Dearborn [Michigan] Independent, began publishing Protocols-based materials in 1920. These formed the basis for that year's The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, which was translated into at least 16 languages, selling more than 500,000 copies.

The Protocols arrived in Germany in 1919. By 1921, the book was in its 21st German printing. Daniel Greene told The Washington File that the book shaped Adolf Hitler's views about Jews, and that Hitler referred specifically to The Protocols in his early political speeches. The Nazis would themselves publish 23 editions before the outbreak of the Second World War.

Meanwhile, The Protocols spread throughout Europe, and into the Middle East. The first Arabic language edition appeared in Egypt in 1921.


Researchers in the West have successfully and repeatedly exposed The Protocols as a fake. Curator Greene reports that no similar exposure has yet appeared in Arabic, and The Protocols' charge of a Jewish world conspiracy continues to enjoy a disturbing popularity in much of the Middle East and in other parts of the world.

As early as August 1921, the Times of London established convincingly, by reproducing passages side-by-side, that The Protocols had been plagiarized from Maurice Joly's 1864 political satire A Dialogue in Hell. Joly's work was an attack on the French Emperor Napoleon III. The plagiarist simply attributed the Emperor's despotic tendencies to the Jews, who were not mentioned in Joly's book.

Other bodies have arrived at the same conclusion. In 1935, a Swiss court declared The Protocols a forgery and a work of plagiarism. Seven years later, a committee of leading American historians agreed, and Assistant CIA Director Richard Helms testified before Congress in 1961 that the document was a forgery prepared by the Tsarist secret police. In 1993, a Russian court declared The Protocols a forgery and ruled its publication an anti-Semitic act. A decade later, Osama El-Baz, chief political advisor to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, concluded in the pages of Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly that "One needs only read the opening pages of The Protocols to realize its fraudulent nature."

But debunking a book is not the same as dispelling the impulse behind it. As Greene explains, even Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels admitted that that The Protocols was a forgery. Even so, Goebbels argued, "I believe in [its] intrinsic but not factual truth."

After the Second World War, proponents of The Protocols often charged that Jews had affirmatively encouraged the Holocaust. Typical of the genre was a Mexican reprint with a cover depicting a Jewish hand behind Nazism—and behind Masonry, Communism, and religious and financial powers. A common charge was the Jews instigated the murder of six million of their co-religionists in an effort to secure the world's sympathy, whether for the creation of the state of Israel or for other secret objectives.

The Protocols continues to be published and distributed in many nations, and via the internet. A Japanese edition displayed at the exhibition attests to the fact that the actual presence of Jews is not necessary for charges of a Jewish conspiracy to take hold.

Meanwhile, the forgery has found traction in much of the Middle East. Televised dramatizations of The Protocols have appeared on Egyptian television in October-November 2002 and on Al-Manar (Hezbollah) television in 2003. The latter version included scenes depicting Jews draining the blood of a Christian child as an ingredient in matzah (unleavened bread consumed by observant Jews during the Passover holiday; the actual ingredients are flour and water only).

In 2003, the manuscript library at Alexandria, Egypt reportedly displayed an Arabic edition of The Protocols as an example of a Jewish holy book.

In 2005, Iranian booksellers displayed copies of The Protocols and The International Jew at the Frankfurt (Germany) Book Fair, the world's largest.

The tragedy of The Protocols, Greene says, is that "a piece of propaganda that nurtured anti-Semitism during the Nazi period is still doing the same today."


2-0-Sixx said:
I almost posted a thread a long time ago regarding the protocols which purpose was to attempt to discredit the Russian Revolution and the Bolsheviks as a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, which of course is completely false. Yes there were Jews in the party, but the Bolshevik leadership always had a Russian majority. But I didn't think anyone would be interested.

Here is some further info regarding Jews and the Bolsheviks:

Chairman - Lenin
Foreign Affairs - Trotsky
Agriculture - Vladimir Milyutin
Commerce - Viktor Nogin
Communications - Mark Yelizarov
Education - Anatoli Lunatsharski
Finance - Ivan Skvortzov
Food - Ivan Teodorovitsh
Interior - Aleksei Rykov
Justice - Afanasi Lomov
Labour - Aleksandr Shlyapnikov
Military and Navy - Vladimir Antonov-Ovseynko, Dybenko, and Krylenko
Post and Telegraphs - Nikolai Avilov

Out of the 15 people above, Trotsky was a Jew and Teodorovitsch was a Pole. All the others were Russian.


According to "Roots of Russian Social Democracy" by David Lane, in the 1907 Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, out of 105 delegates, 78% were Russian, 11% were Jewish, 5% were Transcaucasian, 3% were Baltic, and 1% were Ukrainian.

Regardless, they were all Atheists and Marxists.

Karl Marx: On The Jewish Question

The Protocols were largely pumped out to the public as truth to discredit the Workers Movements across the globe, so much so that Henry Ford used to include a copy of the Protocols in every single Ford car sold in america.

A lot of the Illuminati/NWO/Jewish conspiracy theories that exist today come directly from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and it's a piece of dirty history that people need to be aware of in order to understand what disinformation is intended to do and how it is used. While people are blaming a secret shadow government for the worlds problems, they miss the obvious - it is the entire system that is to blame!!
Aug 5, 2004
I don't know if any of you guys have read the protocols from front to back. But it’s some crazy shit. Shit like, any information that I our God/Anti Christ releases will be heard through out the world within in an hour. That’s crazy to me, cuz shit was written in the 1800s.
Aug 5, 2004
*head explodes*:dead:

i hope you never have children
Ok thanks I' will remember that. Just cuz you’re uninformed doesn’t make me crazy if I know about it. Like 206 said Henry Ford was also informing people about this, now wither you believe what they say is up to you, but you can’t deny it is a real document written in the 1800s.
May 13, 2002
Its a real document. That was written in the 1800s and its very well ahead of its time. I personally do believe shit is very real.
It's already been proven as fraudulent and plagiarized. The origins have been traced back as well as the intentions of the protocols have been exposed. Why do you continue to believe?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: "Протоколы сионских мудрецов", or "Сионские протоколы", see also other titles) is an antisemitic plagiarism and literary forgery first published in 1903 in Russian, in Znamya; it alleges a Jewish and Masonic plot to achieve world domination.

It is one of the best known and discussed examples of literary forgery, and a hoax.[1] It was published again in 1905 as a final chapter 12 by Serge Nilus in the second edition of his semiautographical book, Velikoe v malom . . ., a text about the coming of the Antichrist.​


Origins and content

Maurice Joly

Elements of the text in the Protocols have been conclusively established as plagiarizations from the 1864 book, Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), written by the French satirist Maurice Joly. Joly's work attacks the political ambitions of Napoleon III using Machiavelli as a diabolical plotter in Hell as a stand-in for Napoleon's views. Joly himself appears to have borrowed material from a popular novel by Eugène Sue, The Mysteries of the People, in which the plotters were Jesuits. Jews do not appear in either work. Since it was illegal to criticize the monarchy, Joly had the pamphlet printed in Belgium, then tried to smuggle it back into France. The police confiscated as many copies as they could, and it was banned. After it was traced to Joly, he was tried on April 25, 1865, and sentenced to fifteen months in prison. Joly committed suicide in 1878.​

And even more obvious proof of plagiarism:

Further again, if you know anything at all about the Russian Revolution of 1917 you will know with 100% certainty that the revolution was a true Workers Movement and not an elite Jewish conspiracy for world domination. I have already outlined that the original members of the Bolsheviks were not Jewish, the lone Jew was Leon Trotsky, an Atheist and an anti-Zionist. The protocols were created in czarist Russia by the czar's secret police in 1902 who were attempting to blame the Jews for the terrible state of affairs in Russia and to divert attention away from Czar Nicholas' incompetent management of the country. The state of Russia was absolute shit and they feared the communists and the inevitable revolution, which came shortly after in 1905 and then of course again in 1917. Later, the protocols were used by the White movement (an anti-Bolshevik group that fought in the Civil War in Russia in 1918-1921 following the 1917 revolution), and other anti-bolshevik groups such as the Black Guard, to perpetrate hatred and violence against the Jews and spread the idea that the Bolshevik movement was a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, as an attempt to hurt the Workers Revolution in Russia.

Even if you don't believe that, the biggest alarm bell that should go off in your head is that if Communist Russia was ran by a group of Jews, why the fuck would Stalin have killed so many of them? LOL, Stalin had Jewish leaders arrested and executed in the 30's and 40's by the thousands and probably even more after World War II.

To continue to believe in something that has so widely been proven has fraudulent is beyond me. I suggest you do more research.
May 13, 2002
Like 206 said Henry Ford was also informing people about this, now wither you believe what they say is up to you, but you can’t deny it is a real document written in the 1800s.
Henry Ford was also admired by Adolf Hitler who owned all of the International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem editions, Ford cars, Hitler’s office wall even Had Fords picture hanging, and Ford is the only American praised in Hitlers book, Mein Kampf. Tens of thousands of copies of Ford’s anti-Semitic tracts were circulated in Germany in 1921-22, just as Hitler was gaining control of the Nazi Party. Mein Kampf even contains sections that appear to be lifted from Fords publications!!

In addition, In July 1938, prior to the outbreak of war, the German consul at Cleveland gave Ford, on his 75th birthday, the award of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest medal that Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner.

Henry Ford recieved the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, presented by Karl Kapp, German consul-general of Cleveland (left), and Fritz Hailer, German consul of Detroit (right).

Two of the first recipients of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, right after Hitler created it, were the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and his son-in-law Count Ciano.

Even more damning, is the fact that Fords operations in Germany never closed down once WWII started. In fact, Fords plants, unlike other American-owned property, was never confiscated by the German government. They continued to produce trucks for the Nazi army and, reportedly, turbines for the V-2 rocket. Meanwhile, Ford’s US Rouge plant was producing jeeps, aircraft motors and tanks for the American military!!)

Also, don't forget the motivation here. Ford was an ULTRA Capitalist. The idea of Workers seizing private property from rich owners in Russia and spreading that revolution across the globe scared him (which is why he never had a problem with Nazis since Fascism is a form of Capitalism). If the revolution spread to the US, his Ford factories wouldn't be owned by him they would be owned by the very workers working in those factories. It was in his direct interest to discredit the revolution as much as possible.
Aug 5, 2004
Well one of the protocols is that they will make them self look false. They said they will terminate the physical use of gold/physical currency and we are almost there. It’s a very well written and very much relevant today. At that point in time the world didn’t have the financial system we have today. They fact that they say they will control all media outlets with licenses. Real journalism is dead, all media outlets get their information from the same sources, when reporters go to Iraq they are only allowed to print what the military allows them to. They said any messages their king we give, we be heard through out the world within an hour span, which is more then possible in today’s age. I’m not trying to convince any here really. Keep in mind I believe in revelation, we all know how you feel about the bible. So it would be pointless for me to go back and forth with a non believer. Like I said this document is very well ahead of its time and its applicable in today’s age.
May 13, 2002
Ok, well it's pretty clear you're unwilling to conduct your own research on the matter or even consider looking into any of the information I just provided, which is pretty disappointing to conclude considering I just wasted a lot of my time. Thanks for nothin.
Aug 5, 2004
Ok, well it's pretty clear you're unwilling to conduct your own research on the matter or even consider looking into any of the information I just provided, which is pretty disappointing to conclude considering I just wasted a lot of my time. Thanks for nothin.
Sorry homie I didn't mean any disrespect to you information. I'm just a work so to be honest I didn't read it all of it but the first sentence. I will read it when I get home. You didn't waste your time at all.