Who Is Really Worthy Of Carrying The Torch In The BAY?

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
I think the internet changed the music game under everyone's noses

What I mean by that is anyone can carry the torch and there's really no race or competition to begin with

The game is open wide enough for you to like whomever you want to

More important to have diversity IMO than for one person to do some superstar that saves the whole bay shit

Just keep doing you, whatever you do. That's gonna keep the torch lit. The people who are in this for the love of the music will prosper, they'll be the only ones left.

People are hella different...both the artists and the listeners....that's how it should be ...maybe I think like that because my money isn't invested in rap ..maybe hip hop but not rap...at the end of the day tho the only way you're getting me to buy any thing in 2014 is staying true to yourself....and that's not necessarily going to carry any sort of torch that just means real recognizes real & that's it

As an artist I'm just doing me...not really worried about anyone else or the technicalities....If I'll carry a torch or not....just creating art that will live longer than my physical and tell a story...more important than the present place where I lay my head. Life could place me in Texas next year, who knows. I'ma do my thing no matter where I'm at and I'm not doing it to blow that specific city or area up
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Props: Cio Castaneda
Apr 25, 2002
I support Bay Music, but I have to be honest, there's not much I've heard in a long time that's really made me think "this might be the next guy." People who post on this board who aren't artist get negative feedback sometimes: we're Stans, we're haters, we're oldschool Bay dudes with no interest in the new sound....it comes down to this: right now the Bay Area is copying the sound of other regions...to be honest, this started right around the same time the Hyphy movement did when everyone was trying to do their own mixtapes and Jackin' 4 beats. We had the compilation game on lockdown and the music comin' out on compilations was hands down better than mixtapes and trashy quick fix solos people on the East Coast and down South was putting out...Bay Artists gave that up because in the short run mixtape music was hot...

The market already has New York, Atlanta and Miami and LA to make the music the Bay is trying to make. Ain't nobody in the US trying to hear a guy from Oakland or SF rap like Jeezy or Rick Ross or any of those cats.

The artists who take Bay Music back to the Bay sound or improvise and make their own sound will far outsell and outplay the music currently coming out of the Bay.
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Jun 5, 2004
Damn i didnt realize sage the gemeni has 38 million views on red nose, thats hella even for mainstream artist

Hbk is not my favorite but they do their thing, theyre not that bad as some people say on here... Theyre just youngsters doing new school music, and at least some of their music has a positive message, and they make some good music.

Some people wont be happy until some bay rapper who has done 19years in prison and has enough street cred to rep their area correctly for them, who only does 90s mobb shit, blows up... Yea which would be dope but it probably wont happen. And even then, there would be some random shit people would criticize them for, it could be the hardest most gangster ass nigga in the world, someone would pull up some old pics of their older sister dressing them up as a girl when they were 4 years old and then itd be "aww dat nigga hella gay bruh punk ass bitch" lol

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i feel like a person whom 'carries the torch' or 'blows the bay up' has to be un-liked by the majority of music listeners. like it HAS to be someone you dont necessarily like as an artist.

i think back to alot of people whom were the ones who started running with the torch before a torch could be carried, and they tend to have received alot of hate, if not by the 'opposition' AKA other areas in USA, by their own homefield.

i cannot begin to tell you how much new yorkers hated on E-40 during the 'sprinkle me' days. we used to literally get in verbal fights that almost got physical over this shit. same with tupac.

like im thinking MC Hammer and shit, totally clowned on by 'in living color' and alot of other shows, made a mockery of himself by KFC, etc.

something generally liked by everyone enough to 'blow up' tends to be not liked by a good amount of people for seemingly that reason alone

so which side are you on?
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Jun 5, 2004
i feel like a person whom 'carries the torch' or 'blows the bay up' has to be un-liked by the majority of music listeners. like it HAS to be someone you dont necessarily like as an artist.

i think back to alot of people whom were the ones who started running with the torch before a torch could be carried, and they tend to have received alot of hate, if not by the 'opposition' AKA other areas in USA, by their own homefield.

i cannot begin to tell you how much new yorkers hated on E-40 during the 'sprinkle me' days. we used to literally get in verbal fights that almost got physical over this shit. same with tupac.

like im thinking MC Hammer and shit, totally clowned on by 'in living color' and alot of other shows, made a mockery of himself by KFC, etc.

something generally liked by everyone enough to 'blow up' tends to be not liked by a good amount of people for seemingly that reason alone

so which side are you on?
Ive gone to the east coast/midwest twice, both for a few months each, to work for my homeboys dad, who fixes up houses and flips them... I swear only a couple of niggas down there liked E-40. Niggas in eastside and westside Buffalo andthe Lockport/cheektoaga NY area, a couple places in Pennsylvania, Cleveland and Toledo... I asked all of them n they said they hated 40 lol... I showed them that slap addict and some other bay shit but most of them they loved that Traxxamillion cd, i was teachin niggas how to ghostride out there lol.

They all heard of 40 but they haaate him lol... Of course a few of them kept an open mind n i showed em some 40 that they ended up liking some of it, but i like, had to explain it to them. Esp the songs on slap addict... Thats one of the biggest problems is they dont understand the slang, and i realized how much slang we really use in r music.. Cuz i had to sit there like "grapes is weed, a runner is a ho, a bleezy is a blunt, a beezy is a bitch, a ripper is a ho, a -I Thought a ho is a runner- well ripper is also a ho..." Lol, they dont understand what were even sayin at first, so thats probably the biggest problem with getting to other places. And these were all hood niggas too by the way, we were out there workin on $9800 houses some of them so we were in some of the roughest places in america, so its not like i was askin a bunch of white people. The first time i went, literally every house we found at least one piece of drug paraphanallia, and one article of porn lol. Some of the coolest cats ive ever met out there tho too
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