Who do u consider your insiration/mentor (the reason u started this graphics thang)

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Apr 25, 2002
I agree with all the talented individuals that get me to keep clickin on to my designing programs, bigg ups to Quicksta, Feben, Sik Individuah who bring major heat, I like what i see With the Photodoctors Shemp, Arsen, and Computernerd, Azios is one hell of a graphics designer who gives me great inspiration, always painting fire......

Aside from the peoples on the board, i gotta give big shots out to Colin Smith Graphic Designer
Christian Shreurer whos been doin production for major movies like Matrix, titanic, final Fantacy the list goes on.
George Lucas the list goes on and on..............
May 5, 2002
no one particular really influenced me, I just started doin the shit like over 2 years ago. just seeing a tight cover is enough to motivate me....
Sep 15, 2002
my peeps you'll wouldn't know..but a few years ago on AOHELL...I hung out in all the graffix forums when I started learning HTML...this cat was there named "anew/flesh" and we started clikin'...well he kept steppin' up his game, and I had to do the same..so he is my mentor...he taught me a whole lot of shit ..and he's the reason I got back into this shit after bout 6 months ( so forgive me if I'm a lil rusty )..but on this bored..the minute I saw Evil Wayz and Shemp's work I KNEW I had to step my shit up a notch..you'll 2 got madd skillz, but watch ya back cuz I aint far behind ya and I learn somethin' new every day ;)


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Damn appretiate hearin my name right on homies
i gotta say my boy TIM got me into this shit when he gave me a copy of adobe programs..
but All the art homiez keep fuelin me with feedback and keep me strivin to keep my shit hard.
The art forum is what brought me to siccness dot net a (91sicc)couple years ago really..
May 20, 2002
Phunky Phat Graphics.........that got me going

and Shemp keeps me strivin......right when ya think your getting good at this graphics thing...Shemp posts up a new cover and
bang!...........you feel like shit......have no confidence and want to give it all up...LOL... just kidding but he does make you humble!

Apr 25, 2002
Beno aka OG M$...after seeing some old Droop cover before I even knew him...I was tripped out off grafx, didn't even know WTF Photoshop was. I always been into art...but in an analog medium (ummm...pencil...paper...you get the idea). But in a digital sense, my folks really turned me onto it & I do give him full credit for being a motivational factor in what I now take part in. I remember askin' him all kinds of questions, lol...he'd answer all of 'em though. Wudda hogg.

Props: og MS
Jul 19, 2002
SikIndividuoh said:
Beno aka OG M$...after seeing some old Droop cover before I even knew him...I was tripped out off grafx, didn't even know WTF Photoshop was. I always been into art...but in an analog medium (ummm...pencil...paper...you get the idea). But in a digital sense, my folks really turned me onto it & I do give him full credit for being a motivational factor in what I now take part in. I remember askin' him all kinds of questions, lol...he'd answer all of 'em though. Wudda hogg.

Yeah tru shit Sik... same here.. I was drawing & shit you know and some day when I met internet, I was amazed by webgraphics, so after a while I holla'd at some webmasters to ask what they used for making graphix & I started off with paint shop, to learn the layer/filter concept & after lets say 3 months with paint shop, I switched to photoshop, wich at way more possiblity's so now after 2 years of photoshop knowledge, Im what I am now, if you didnt check, browse some topics by me to see my work.
Jul 19, 2002
But I also see many ppl got influenced by shemp but to be honest, I really wasnt inspired by hes work at all, I dont say I dont like it coz its dope as fuck but its just that designers have encompliced this style for years & its nutting new for me, only thing that really inspires me in shemp is hes clean style...